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Monday, February 8, 2010

What Are The Odds!....I Need A Calculator!!

If you've been following along the last few days, I did several posts on what a hassle it was to get our delayed luggage while we were on vacation.  If you missed that and want to check it out, you will find it Here.

So on Thursday, I drove my hubby to the airport once again as he had to attend a business conference in Toronto which is only a couple of hours away by air. One flight so he carefully packed his dress clothes for the meeting and then a few casual clothes so he could spend some time with family on the weekend before coming home on Sunday.

Well, the poor bastard gets to Toronto on Thursday evening and can you guess what happened??  Yup! No f@$%ing luggage again!! He had to race around Thursday night before the shops closed and buy a suit and shirt and a few other essentials so he wouldn't look like something the cat dragged in at the meeting on Friday morning. His luggage arrived Friday afternoon AFTER the conference of course!

Once again, we are fighting with the airlines trying to get some of his expenses reimbursed. Their excuse? The luggage weighed too much so a few suitcases were left behind and sent on a flight the next day. Unfortunately, we are not allowed carry-on bags right now so you'd think they would realize the problem this is creating, after all, we are following their rules.

If this can happen to us twice in such a short time, is it any wonder the airlines are in financial trouble? It can't be helping their bottom line to be constantly buying new clothing for passengers! Stay tuned, I'll let you know if we get any of the money back before they go bankrupt! In the meantime, anyone out there care to calculate the odds of this happening twice?


Unknown said...

lmbo I am guessing not as high as one might think.. have you seen the luggage handlers in actions?? scary trust me..

Mama-Face said...

This is making me very nervous as we are going to Mexico in a few weeks!

They left his luggage ON PURPOSE? Do they not plan ahead? How do they decide whose trip to ruin? I am shocked that they would do this; and it sounds like it is a normal practice for them.

Gee, I need to find my sense of humor this morning. :)

brainella said...

Wow. Truly astounding. Which airline was this?? I know who I won't be purchasing a ticket with... :)

Diva's Thoughts said...

Oh my! That really does suck. It's one thing to have it happen to you ONCE but TWICE in such a short time span. This is bananas.

Danielle said...

I am no good with math. But I am pretty sure it is like a 1/02349239048239084 chance.

Caution/Lisa said...

I'm just thinking he's pretty fortunate that he didn't need a lot of alterations on that suit.

I take it that you're traveling by car next time? What a pain!!!

Corrie Howe said...

That is incredible. I wonder what this might be telling you. Also, I'm surprised you can't have a carry on.

adrienzgirl said...

Good grief! You would think that since they have people, whose sole purpose is to load and unload your belongings that they could perform that function properly!

I hate flying! This is one of the reasons!

Buckeroomama said...

Unbelievable! Was it the same airline?

Joanne said...

As unfortunate as this is, I am just not surprised. Lately I see lots of errors, lack of service, in my dealings with business. I'm not sure why, but it is disappointing :(

VandyJ said...

We live in a small town (25,000 people) and we have a small airport. The connection from denver is unreliable at best. Luggage gets out but often doesn't get back here with you. Easier to deal with but still frustrating.

Anonymous said...

your poor husband! i swear, the airline business is such a mess. i haven't flown in a few years and am so glad i don't have to deal with them!

Connie K said...

Wow that is so nuts !! I have been flying many times and have never had anything lost but now am scared i know my luggage will be next :( sorry to hear it happened again!

Helene said...

Wow, what are the odds of that happening weren't kidding when you wrote the title of this post!!

The least they could've done was at least notify your husband upon boarding that his suitcase would be sent the next day or some other way to remedy the situation than leave the poor guy waiting at the airport for a piece of luggage that wouldn't be arriving until the next day!

ZenMom said...

That sucks! Sounds like something that would happen to me. Hopefully you two get whole new wardrobes out this nightmare. Hmmm, maybe I should fly somewhere too.

Unknown said...

We are traveling this weekend and I'm nervous. We're not going far, but still. Airlines make me so angry sometimes! Sorry for your Hubs' issues (again).

kyooty said...

Aren't there now safety rules that the luggage "has" to go on the plane with the passenger? wasn't that a big deal after 9/11 that no more unattended baggage?

Anonymous said...

That really is out of control! The thing that bothers me is that they make you pay to check your luggage now! They should have plenty of room for all luggage and/or hire people to be able to make sure of it!!!

Aunt Juicebox said...

No carry-ons? That does it, no flying for me til they get this crap straightened out. I do NOT check baggage.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe they lost your hubby's luggage again!

Danielle said...

What the hell is going on with the airline buisness? They are not into customer service any more are they?

Heather said...

I think I would be changing airlines or something, that is Rediculous!!

I can't even imagime the headache and frustration your feeling right now.


TheFitHousewife said...

Oh my...that is ridiculous! What a huge pain in the arse! Damn airlines....makes me mad.

yonca said...

Lost or damaged luggage tops the list of most vacationers' travel nightmares.So frustrating.I'm so sorry it happened to you.

The Mommyologist said...

OMG. What are the odds??? So weird.

Betty Manousos said...

Yes, I'm so sorry it happened to you twice.What an airline!

Matty said...

As the eTrade commercial says, it's the same odds of being mauled by a polar bear and a grizzly bear......ON THE SAME DAY.

jules said...

Frustrating! We've had that happen before too...

Nikia, May and da kids said...

The airlines are operated by greedy corporate business people. I ALWAYS recommend Southwest (if you had the option up there, but I doubt you do) Southwest is the last of the airlines run by a CEO airline person who worked his way up and really does places himself in the position of the worker and the passenger. Stick it to whatever airline you flew on.


Respectfully Yours said...

OMG, absolutely crazy. Your poor things. I hate fighting to get what is rightly yours. I am curious too, what airlines?

Anonymous said...

holy cow! he needs to take a break from flying! poor fella...

The Mind of a Mom said...

Oh no, They changed the rules again. If you are flying into Canada from the states there is no restriction wiht carry-on. But the change from absolutely no carry-on going from Canada to the USA has been relaxed a bit. You can have one carry on only. Even if you can't have a carry-on what you need to do is get a gate tag. What they do is when you get to the gate you give them your bad and then when you get off you get your bag back right there on the walk way. It's the same service as a stroller or that type of thing. I never check luggage and if I really have too much stuff I will FedEx stuff to me at the hotel or home depending on what way I am going. I feel bad for him after all that vacay mix-up!

Anonymous said...

I have a award for you Deb!

Mixed Reflections said...

Just leave it to the airlines...I tell you, they'll FIND a way to mess up. Can't believe it's happening to you again in such a short period of time...they owe you BIG TIME! I hope your husband has a good sense of humor.

Shannon K. said...

It would be a riot to travel with you! You make the most seemingly irritating of circumstances funny.

Anonymous said...

I can not believe that happened a second time! I would wear a second outfit under my first on the next trip!

Holly Lefevre said...

Seriously...that's nuts! The way people and business operates these days I am not surprised anyone is going bankrupt.

gayle said...

This is weird I am looking at Holly's comment above what I am writing and it says February 9th at 5:10pm and it is only 4:21pm wonder what mine will say...Is that your time? Anyway how silly of me.
If that happen to me I would be so upset!! I am surprised that they are giving anyone money!! Missing luggage is always a worry of mine!!

The Four Week Vegan said...

No way! That is unbelievable. No more flying for you folks. It's boat, car, horse, or foot from here on out.