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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

And The Plan Was.....???

So after traveling for 15 hours and through six different time zones, we finally arrived in Maui at 5:30 pm Hawaii time on a Saturday evening.  Yes, they still starve you on the planes so....

This Was The Plan

I had put a bit of thought into the clothes I wore on the plane. I had on a pair of black yoga pants, a sleeveless t-shirt covered with a fleece zip-up hoodie, socks and zip up winter boots. Just had to ditch the hoodie and trade my boots and socks for the high-heeled Crocs I had carefully packed on top of the clothes in my suitcase and I would be perfectly dressed for the humid Hawaii evening. We would then head to the nearest restaurant for a quick meal, then off to the rented condo for a quick shower, a change into my new light-weight cotton pajamas and then into bed.

Here's What Happened

When we got off the plane, our daughter was sleeping so my husband headed to the baggage area to pick up our suitcases while I walked across the room to sit by the open door while holding our daughter so she could continue her nap. After a few minutes my husband made his way over to us with her suitcase and then headed back to the baggage area to retrieve our suitcases. We each had packed only one.

After what seemed like an hour, my husband made his way back to us but instead of our suitcases, he was holding a black pencil case. I asked what that was and he replied "This is our luggage." I'm sure my jaw hit the floor when he told me that my luggage had missed our first connection and was still only an hour away from our home back in Canada. It was scheduled to arrive in Maui the following day at 6:00 pm where it would be quickly scooped up and delivered to our condo. My husband's suitcase hadn't been located yet. In the meantime, they had provided us with a pouch that contained:

1 short-handled blue toothbrush with bristles so stiff they should have been on a toilet bowl brush
1 cheap men's hair comb that would have better suited a Barbie Doll
1 tiny men's deodorant that was about the size of a lip gloss pot
1 test tube of clear blue body wash
1 test tube of clear blue shampoo
1 test tube of clear blue conditioner
(each of these was about 1/4c and the color of that blue crap you put in toilets to make the water blue)
1 flimsy men's disposable razor
A form with a phone number where we could contact the airline to get updates concerning our luggage

(to be continued...)


Unknown said...

wow, not a very good way to start off, huh. hope you made the best of it.


VandyJ said...

Holy cow! Did they think you were smurfs? Not the best way to start a vacation.

JennyMac said...

WOW...that is some kickstart to your vacation. Hope you had cocktails on hand.

Tara said...

Oh gosh! I can't wait to hear the rest of this story.

Grizzly Bear said...

Oh no! What a way to start the vacation. Oh man....

Anonymous said...

ugh...airlines ruin everything.

Caution/Lisa said...

Did you say high heeled crocs?

Sorry about the luggage delay, but was the air temp 82 and the sky blue? Did that help compensate?

Heather said...

Oh wow and your all decked out in winter clothes! Yikes! I would have been spitting mad! Did you hit up the closest clothing store?

sitting on the mood swing at the playground said...

Oh, definitely not what should happen when you land in Hawaii. I hope somehow the luggage arrived earlier than 6pm the next day.

ZenMom said...

Ah, the best laid plans, huh?

So glad to have you back. I missed you!

Anonymous said...

Not the best way to start a wonderful vacation.

Anonymous said...

Ok thats a big bummer but what about the rest of the guys just supposed to share!

Gees, these airlines...not only do you have to pay for your luggage now, they cant even use that extra money to make sure your luggage makes it! What the heck they getting paid for?

Unknown said...

No see I would have also asked for the credit card to the airline so I could purchase an outfit or two tohold my currently winter dressed tucus until the other arrived. That or they would be locating the nearest PRIVAE nude beach for our comfort lol

yonca said...

Oh gosh, airlines!!! Not a good start to a vacation.

Samantha said...

Ugh! Not cool. I always figured if I ever flew, they'd lose my luggage most definitely. And probably on purpose, well, maybe that's being dramatic...but still...

If they are going to lose your luggage, they should at least give you a pencil bag full of "good" stuff. Not cheapo things!

The Four Week Vegan said...

Yikes! I hope that meant a good shopping trip.

Matty said...

Well now, isn't that a great start to the vacation. I can't wait to hear about the rest.

Helene said...

UGH!!!! That is soooo not a great way to start off a vacation! I want to hear the rest but I'm kinda scared!

Formerly known as Frau said...

No way!! I hate's happens more times than not.

Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...


Well, that and the motion sickness, the fear of crashing, etc. etc. etc.

I can't wait to hear the rest of the story.

Oh, and I was totally against Twitter... and I still don't quite "get it"... but it's a great way to waste time at work! Thanks for stopping by today!

Confessions From A Working Mom

Danielle said...

Oh my. That wasn't the best start of the trip... can't wait for the story to continue ;)


Tracie said...

At least you had your daughter's things. Airlines suck.

Betty Manousos said...

OH my wat a start to a vacation! Deb
Betty xx

GunDiva said...

Not a way to start a vacation, however, at least you were in Hawaii.

Danielle said...

Ouch, not good.

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Oh,no, what a beginning...
Altho, I have to say, it's nice to travel with a partner isn't it? All that dividing and conquering.

Sandra Wilkes said...

Uh oh! Hope it got better! What a tiny little bag they gave you! Shockeroo!

Amy said...

no flipping way. That is just crazy..

Stephanie said...

Oh no they didn't! What a pathetoic "Sorry we lost your luggage gift" Didn't you tell them you were a famous blogger?

Connie K said...

wow that blows i hope it all got better !!Then you come back to freezing weather too !!

Sarah at The Stroller Ballet said...

It has happened to me before. I LOVE those little packages they give you. Nice. Like you could survive for an hour on those. Gah.

Delia said...

Ohhh I just hate it when that happens, but the good news is while your luggage was in Canada you were in Maui!!! I could walk around in a towel if I had to just to be there. Like your blog!

Anita said...

You have three weeks worth of stories for us...good!

Unknown said...

I flew to Houston a few weeks aho (and got to meet Lee the Hotflash Queen while I was there) and there was a debacle w/ my luggage on the way home. ARGH! Airlines suck. So sorry this happened to you!

gayle said...

I hate when that happens and when ever I travel that is one of my main worries!! Where was your little pouch?? Highheeled crocs?? Picture!!

Dreamfarm Girl said...

YIKES! I've had to deal with the smurfy pack before too but never on vacation. NO FAIR! I just hope it gets better.

Jen said...

Ugh. Thank you for reminding me why I refuse to fly :( I hope you headed to Hilo Hattie's and picked up some island garb to make do with! said...

They could've at least provided three pencil cases full of stuff...So all three of you are to share?

I hope that the ending is a good one. I'm getting mad just hearing about it.

Shannon K. said...

How thoughtful of them? And you mean there wasn't a charge? Gasp! Generosity at its best.

What a way to start your vacation.

Anonymous said...

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I don't write as good as you do, but if you want to check it out here it is. Thanks again and have a great day!

World of Warcraft Hunter Pets

Anonymous said...

No freakin" way...that totally sucks! I'm getting to your next post...I hope the vacation gets better.

Nikia, May and da kids said...

Next time as for the monetary compensation that people are entitled to but the airlines never mention.

You were smart to dress the way you did for travel.


Annie Z said...

Oh dear...

Dee at Pedestrian Palate said...

Oh no!

Working Mommy said...

Whhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaat?!?! Oh I'd be SO pissed!!! Aren't you happy you wore your comfy yoga pants though?!?!