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Thursday, February 11, 2010

One Day At The Office....

Here is a cute little story from my days of working in an office. I promise, no pee involved, just a couple of rosy red cheeks! This one happened to a good friend and co-worker of mine but is typical of what would normally happen to me.

To protect the "innocent", no names will be mentioned but this gal had a very good management position at the company we both worked for. This recounts the day that she showed up at the office with a little more than she bargained for.

As was her usual routine, our gal got up, showered, dressed, did her hair and makeup and then hauled on her long Winter coat. After her 20-mile drive to the office, she got out of her car and walked in to our building. She stopped to pick up her breakfast in the small cafe on the first floor before heading upstairs. She ordered her normal breakfast of coffee and a muffin but was surprised to see that complete strangers were watching her. She thought to herself that it must be one of those rare days when your hair turns out right and you're looking pretty hot, that sounded reasonable enough.

She picked up her breakfast, walked through the crowded cafe nodding and smiling at those who were watching her and continued out to the elevator. While she waited in the lobby, many others showed up for the work day ahead. Finally one of the elevators made its way to the first floor and opened. Our gal got on among the others making their way to their own offices. Again, she noticed that people were watching her but didn't think too much about it.

Finally she arrived at our floor, got off the elevator and slipped through the big front doors of our reception area. She then made her way down the long hallway to her office greeting many of her staff as she went. Once there, she took off her coat but when she went to hang it up on the hook behind her door, there it was...the reason so many people had been staring at her that morning.

On her back, entangled in the fabric belt of her coat was a big-as-life, glossy white, plastic coat hanger that had not only made the entire trip into work with her but had hung off her back in full view the entire time since she had left home!  

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Samantha said...

Now that's embarrassing. I'm so afraid of something like that happening to me, that I check everything before I put it on. I even check the bottoms of shoes before I walk out of a public bathroom to make sure that I don't have toilet paper stuck to my shoe.

BigSis said...

I come to work and found underwear in my pants leg. Then, I worry that someone will see my undies in my purse. I'm always relieved when it's just a fabric sheet!

Mae Rae said...

That is so cute. I can picture that happening to me. I have found my kids socks hanging out of the collar of a sweater on occasion. I would not have been surprised to fing a hanger.

The Mommyologist said...

This sounds like something I would do! One time, I went out all day with one of those size stickers still on the front of my shirt. People must have gotten a good laugh at seeing a big "S" across my boobs.

Anonymous said...

i can't believe nobody said anything! i hope someone has the decency to say, 'hey lady, you've got a hanger on your back' when i pull this stunt one day...because, believe me, i'm sure to pull it...

Corrie Howe said...

At least she wasn't walking around with her skirt caught up in her underwear! Done that.

Tammy said...

Too funny. I finally have grown up and tell people if there is something askew. I just hope they do the same for me!

Kitty Moore said...

How funny - still it could have been a lot worse, she may have forgotten to put any clothes on under her winter coat or something!

Anonymous said...

That's too funny and something I would do!

The Four Week Vegan said...

Too funny - I'm surprised that has never happened to me.

Unknown said...

That's a good one. I have a few of those doooziees from my past work days to bring up...


Kate - The Garden Bell - <3
<3 = Heart
<3 <3 <3 = Hearts

yonca said...

Lol..That is so funny!! Thank god never happened to me:)

Jackie said...

Now that is embarrassing but gave me a chuckle. Like Corrie Howe said...I had my skirt stuck in my underwear/pantyhose once and at a job interview no less! My interviewer brought it to my attention as soon as she saw me and I was really thankful. I did get hired...but maybe because they felt sorry for me. LOL!

Melissa said...

That's hilarious, but how did she not feel it when she was in the car?

sitting on the mood swing at the playground said...

Hmmm, you would think a hanger would be uncomfortable. I'm surprised no one told her.

Kate said...

Ha - kind of reminds me of the time that - as a child - I walked down a line of my classmates with my skirt tucked into my tights. Never forgotten that one.

Unknown said...

hehehe, at least there wasn't toilet paper stuck on her somewhere.


Mama-Face said...

LOL. Why didn't someone just tell her?? People, come on!

TheFitHousewife said...

Too funny! I wasn't sure what you were going to say..maybe toilet paper or something like that! I hate those days where everyone seems to be staring at you! I'm always checking my nose to see if I have a booger hanging out!

Amy said...

OOps.. I always try and look myself over..

Annie Z said...

I've heard a story like this before! It's amazing that she didn't feel it herself!

Liz Mays said...

How completely humiliating but hilarious!

Danielle said...

I can not believe that no one told her. What is thiss world coming to? I would have been laughing so hard that I would have had to tell her.

Pink Haired Momma said...

That is awesome! Poor gal! But wht a great story to tell!

Lisa said...

Oh dear, can't say I've ever been exposing a hanger, but perhaps I know "someone" who has worn outer socks, underwear, pantyhose, and a notorious dryer sheet or two. Thanks, I needed a laugh!

Respectfully Yours said...

Too funny. I feel her pain, I feel her pain. said...

Wow! That's sad that no one tapped her and told her that she had a friend hanging out with her. I know I would've! How sad for her.

Theta Mom said...

I can't believe nobody said anything, I would be mortified!

Mixed Reflections said...

Totally something that would happen to me. I'm lucky if I remember to put my mascara on in the morning, walk out with my cell phone, and think about putting gas in the car before I run out. It's always good to appear human once in a while I guess.

Monique@Mommyhood Exposed said...

LOL! That also sounds like something I would do! It's amazing that no one mentioned anything to her about it-I would have tapped her on the shoulder or something-the poor girl!

Sarah at The Stroller Ballet said...

Ha! That's something I would do...definitely!!

Jen said...

I was almost sure you were going to say she forgot to dress or something like that. Hangers aren't that horrible. Better than toilet paper or your skirt tucked in your pantyhose.

Anonymous said...

HA! My husband once felt a little knot in the sleeve of his shirt and pulled out a pair of my panties!

Anita said...

And no one told her! :)
Guess it was harmless and everyone needed some entertainment to get the day started.

Heather said...

That is definately something that would happen to me.

Funny but embarrassing!

brainella said...

I can't believe no one told her. Ack. And I'm sure no one has ever let her forget it!

supahmommy- somethin's wrong with that girl said...

NOOOO WAY!!! lol
you better tell me if i ever do that... or have undies stuck to my skirt from static.


gayle said...

That's funny!! My hubby has had a knee high fall out of his pants before!

Buckeroomama said...

Oh my gosh, how could she not have felt that when she was in the car? LOL!!

Anonymous said...

shame. how embarrassing for her.