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Friday, February 5, 2010

And The Plan Was.....??? Part III

So if you haven't been following along on the lost baggage story I've been blogging about for the last two days, you can catch up Here.

When we left off, I had just crawled into bed wearing the same sleeveless T-Shirt I had worn for the last 20+ hours when we left Canada. BTW, this shirt happened to be bright white and did I mention I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter who gets her sticky fingers on everything? I think you can pretty well imagine what that shirt looked like when I got up on Sunday morning and had to face wearing it once again. Forget the undies, they had been kicked to the curb and I was on my way to the mall with just my black yoga pants covering my fat ass. On my feet in the 80 plus degree sunshine were my socks and winter boots.

So we get over to the mall in Wailea and thank God the stores were open on a Sunday. My first priority was a pair of sandals, my feet had been jammed into those hot Winter boots and dirty socks long enough. It took about 45 minutes but I was finally able to track down a pair of fancy Crocs in the exact same style as the ones in my missing suitcase only in a different color and for about $60. Now it was time to find some undies. I went from store to store and finally found the only shop in the entire mall that sold women's underwear. I nearly choked when I was charged $27.00 for a single pair that consisted of no more than an eye patch with about 20 inches of lace (Just want to say sorry to all my family who may read this for the visual of me in a thong that is likely to put most of you off your dinner tonight!). So I pulled off the tags and wore them out of the store.

So with $87 spent, I decided I just had to ditch the formerly white T-Shirt I had been wearing since I boarded that first flight. I found a pretty blue shirt and it cost somewhere around $35 so at least I now had something to wear later that night to the potluck dinner that my step-daughter's were hosting at their own condo (BTW, these two girls and I are very close, one has two daughters close to the age of my own and the other has a baby that was just born in November we hadn't met yet). Needless to say, we were anxious to start our vacation. (In case you were wondering, yes my husband got a pair of Crocs and new shirt too, it wasn't just about me!)

Since it was still early afternoon, we decided to call United Airlines again and follow up on the baggage situation. We were hoping that my husband's suitcase had been located and wanted confirmation that mine was on the way. Made the call and were delighted to hear that both suitcases were taking the same flights we had a day earlier and would arrive in Maui around 6:00 pm that evening and be immediately shuttled to our condo at their expense. Yay! Disaster averted!

At the same time, my husband pulled out his Visa card and decided to give them a call to see if there was any Lost Luggage benefit. We had already checked our Travel Insurance and there wasn't anything there. We were stunned to find out that the credit card the airline tickets had been purchased on was offering EACH of us an additional $500. Wow! That made a total of $700 each to buy new clothes while we waited for our suitcases to arrive and after a quick highfive, we jumped into our car and back to the mall. We had only a few hours before our suitcases arrived at 6:00 pm! After all, two different United Airlines reps had said they would be arriving.......right?

Conclusion - Tomorrow


The Four Week Vegan said...

Just keep us hanging! I'm starting to doubt your luggage arrived as promised.

VandyJ said...

Promises, promises, never believe the airlines. Did you get some great clothes? And how did you get those clothes home?

Joanne said...

I have a sneaking suspicion you're going to need that $700 worth of clothes, that your luggage might not find its way to you as promised :/

Tara said...

The suspense! I hope it arrived!

And uh, I may want my luggage lost if I get 700 bucks to go shopping with. ;)

Danielle said...

Wow. Way to go on scoring the extra cash ... hope that luggage made it .. we will see!!!


Ashley said...

ugh, that is so annoying. That happened to me once, but it was only for one day, and I was having a meltdown. I can't wait to see what happens. I am going to read the other parts now and catch up!
Glad you are back! I hope you had a great time...other than the luggage part! :(

Anonymous said...

such an annoying ordeal but way to score on the extra cash!

Unknown said...

cool beans 700 bucks instead of the 200 that is what ya needed and only right.. although soundslike they KNEW your luggage was NOT on its'w ay lol and that 200 was not gonna cover it

Anita said...

$27 panties!!! lol

brainella said...

$60 Crocs? Holy hell. I hope they are self-cleaning.

Hawaii is way too expensive...

Samantha said...

I would still be panti-less if I had to pay 27 dollars for it! said...

Wow! This is like hitting it big at a casino. $700.00 apiece??? What a deal.

Although, I probably would've not bothered with the lace panties but bought a package of Depends instead (just saying...much cheaper and the added benefit is if you can't get to the bathroom in time.....).

Looking forward to the rest of the happy ending story.

sitting on the mood swing at the playground said...

I'm beginning to think your luggage never left Canada.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome that he thought to call the credit card company! Who would have thought they would offer you that much??? So I'm hoping this means you got to go home with a whole new wardrobe and didn't have to pay extra baggage fees :)

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Just leave us danglin' out here? I'm sittin' here hoping that the $700.00 was enough until the luggage arrived. Heeehehe!

Ya'll have a fabulously blessed weekend!!!

Formerly known as Frau said...

You killing me! 27 dollars for underwear!

Corrie Howe said...

"Jumped back into the car and headed to the mall"...can't want to hear what's next.

Sarah at The Stroller Ballet said...

That's amazing that the airline was offering you that much! That sounds like paradise in itself. Shopping and Hawaii? Pure bliss!

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

How fun is that!
If it had to happen, how smart you guys were to check out all your options. Sure hope you had a good shopping spree on them...

Mama-Face said...

Hey You!!
I'm all caught up now!! I sure did miss you and thought of you so often. I loved Maui. I can't imagine the luggage disaster though, or $27 underwear for that matter. I worry about whether my luggage is on the plane the whole time!

I do think it'd be fun to have the extra cash to buy new stuff. But NOT worth it. :) And it sounds like it gets (got) worse...right?

SO happy that you're home safe and sound. :)

Dorothy said...

Hope it all ended well and you have your luggage..

Dorothy from grammology

Anonymous said... are cruel to keep us waiting and waiting and...

oh, wait. i guess it probably feels good to have someone else wait for a change. haha. ok, you're off the hook then.

Melissa said...

You know the anxiety that anticipation causes me don't you! Can't wait for more!

Nikia, May and da kids said...

So typical of the bad service that the airlines serve up. Just so you know, the airline ground workers usually do try to connect your bags on the flight you are on. It's the sorry and pathetic chicken crap management that will give the order to cut bags so they can get an on time performance. that is one of the ways loser ground management gets a financial bonus at your expense and because all you see is a ground worker, the poor guy humping bags for $8 an hour is the schmuck who gets the blame and eventually gets fired by the same manger who made the call to cut your luggage.


gayle said...

I am so glad you got all the money even though it doesn't go far!! Can't wait until your next post!!

Rebecca S. said...

And when they told me I would get an additional $500 my cynical side would immediately say, "and the bad news is...?"

Anonymous said...

$27 for one pair of underwear? Crazy! Now off to read the conclusion.

Working Mommy said... really is too bad that things in Hawaii cost so much...darn them for not being attached to the rest of the free world!! At least you got another $500 since your luggage was lost - SCHWEET!!!