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Thursday, February 4, 2010

And The Plan Was.....??? Part II

So if you read yesterday's post, you know that after 15 hours of travel time and 6 time zones, my husband and daughter and I landed in Maui still in our full Winter clothing only to find that our daughter's suitcase was the only one that had made the trip with us.

WTF?!  The airline was happy to give us a pencil case with a few 50 cent toiletries in it, a Lost Baggage Form with toll-free number, assurances that my suitcase would be delivered to our rented condo shortly after 6:00 pm the following day and that they would locate my husband's suitcase. They then sent us on our way.

Okay, so we get the rental car, get ourselves and that one lonely suitcase on board and head to the condo about 30 minutes away. Once we were settled in, I couldn't wait to kick off my Winter boots and heavy socks.  I mean we had come from temperatures somewhere around 20 below to 80 above.  Hello!  I was hardly dressed for Hawaii weather and with all the restrictions they put on carry-on bags now, I didn't have one thing with me.

After we shared that one toothbrush, my husband pulled out the Lost Baggage Form and called United Airlines. The representative was lovely and offered us each $100 to replace what we needed to get by until my suitcase arrived and my husband's suitcase was located. I beg your pardon?? This is Maui for f#$% sake!!  You can't even get a damn coffee for under $15!! There is no Dollar Store here, the local shops had stores like Rolex, Tiffany, LV, BCBG just to name a few! Hello!!!  We were dressed in full Winter gear in the middle of 80 degree weather and had a family dinner to attend!  After much persuasion, the rep agreed to $200 for each of us which was the maximum allowed. Don't forget I only had to get by one day while my husband's suitcase was still missing.

So we had a total allowance of $400 to shop with. I was worried about my husband not getting his suitcase at all and offered him the balance of my allowance once I had purchased a pair of sandals.  I knew I could get by with the sleeveless shirt and yoga pants for one day.

So after traveling for more than a full day, I wore my dirty sleeveless shirt to bed hoping that the local shops would be open on a Sunday so I could pick up some footwear and a pair of undies until my suitcase arrived the next evening somewhere around 6:00 pm. That's what the rep said, it would be shuttled to me quickly once it arrived in Maui, the rep wouldn't lie about something that important....... right?

to be cont'd....


Tara said...

I am loving these! I am in such anticipation as to what's going to happen next. I feel so bad for ya though. That would suck to be in Hawaii w/out your luggage.

Joanne said...

Not fun! At least the airline came through with $$ for necessities, but still. Hope things improve soon here!

Anonymous said...

this kind of stuff makes me want to avoid flying ever again.

Anonymous said...

It does get better, right?! I'm hoping the rest of your trip was fab!

KristinFilut said...

Oh my... Please tell me this isn't a total disaster.

The Mommyologist said...

Losing luggage is the WORST!!! Can't wait to hear the rest of the story!

Unknown said...

I have a feeling THEIR 6 pm the next day meant BUSINESS day as in MONDAY and you had no clue.. am I right am I right??

Janel said...

Hi! Silent lurker/reader here! I lived in Maui for 6 months, what a beautiful treat! You make me want to back for three weeks!

Fire United Airlines for life! They have lost my luggage 3 times! Twice in the same week (arrival/departure) at Christmas. Denver to Tucson, Arizona. Had to wear winter gear for two days! Third time was the follwoing year, same holiday, same scenario. I boycott UA to this day. They suck the big weenie!

But I sure am enjoying your story! ;)

Amy said...

I have a feeling it did not come and you were still stuck in those yucky clothes. I guess from reading your story I should have a little bag with a change of clothes just in case..

My Aimless Infatuation said...

It's beginning to sound as if you may have had to search for a nude beach,lol. Sorry,I couldn't resist. I do feel for you but glad they gave you cash.

Nikia, May and da kids said...

Oh yeah i forgot to mention which you probably know now, always take a carry on with a set of clothes and toiletries as they have a 50% chance of losing your luggage. Always pack your carry on like the airlines WILL LOSE your stuff. You can get one day of essentials for three in a roller bag.


GunDiva said...

Don't tell me you believed them? And there wasn't an ABC store anywhere? Good God, when we were in Hawaii (Oahu), you couldn't walk ten feet without running into an ABC store.

The Four Week Vegan said...

Uh-oh this is not sounding good at all. I will tune in tomorrow for more of the story.

Caution/Lisa said...

You've got me wondering if your suitcase has arrive YET. You're also making me nervous!

Anonymous said...

Oh no, cant wait to read tomorrow's post.

Buckeroomama said...

Uh oh....

Could you claim travel insurance on this, lost/delayed luggage?

Matty said...

I sure hope this isn't turning out to be the trip from hell. Staying tuned.

yonca said...

Hope rest of your trip was better.

MaryRC said...

i hope your trip gets better, my hawaii trip was .... well lets say i don't have the desire to return...

Aunt Juicebox said...

How do the locals live? No Dollar store? Dang! I read somewhere that milks costs $8 a gallon there.

Danielle said...

Ahhh. I am loving these stories. Such supense!!


Heather said...

Your totally killing me with this.. to be continued!! GRRR!

The only store name I recognised was Dollar Store! LOL! said...

At least they were willing to come off of $400.00 but tell me that you did get your luggage that day????

Annie Z said...

oh dear... cont!

Anonymous said...

gum works really well for those ears, too. just for future reference...

i can't wait to hear the rest of your saga!

Dreamfarm Girl said...

why do I hear the jaws theme song getting louder and louder in the background? DUNH dunh, DUNH dunh. this is gonna be painful. so sorry for you!

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

You are good at this! Anticipation...

Melissa said...

This is why I don't trunk doesn't usually lose my stuff.

The Mind of a Mom said...

Im glad to hear you made it through with the evil step-daughter. But I don't think letting the airline hold your luggage was a good trade off! :o)
I have so been there with the wrong cloths in FLA in August due to the airline! Glad you got to relax.

Welcome Back :o)

Kat said...

Ohhhh I hope you get your stuff! That is my biggest fear when it comes to travelling in a plane. I prefer to drive (although you cannot possibly do that when going to Hawaii) because I KNOW where I put my luggage :) So long as I don't forget to put it in the trunk, that is :)

I have something for you at my blog:

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing your stuff didn't get there the next day, ohhhhh man. I hope it did make it soon though!
Good job on getting them to shell out double what they were trying to give you.

Rebecca S. said...

I loved the 'pencil case with the 50 cent toiletries'. Perfect :)

Kimo said...

i'm sorry that you were greeted to Maui by a problem with your luggage. Over my many years of traveling to Maui I learned to depend on the airline to misplace our luggage at least once per trip. Secret, ALWAYS pack at least one day's necessities in your carry on luggage. If you don't need it, no big deal, it you need it, you are covered.
Check my web site, for tips on vacationing on Maui. It will help.

gayle said...

Omg!! Can't wait until tomorrow to here more!! I am so loving this!!

honeypiehorse said...

Oh, wow, that blows. Still, an adventure. And at least your kid had her stuff, which is way important.

Robin said...

Hey welcome back... missed you..hope your trip was great despite the luggage did it go with the step daughter..? I guess i should catch up on my reading...I was just thinking about the $400 you got for clothes..Im surprised you could even buy both sandals..Looking forward to reading more..! have a great day..!

Working Mommy said...

It is nice that the rep offered you $200 each instead of the $100 each. It is no fun that you had to wear your t-shirt to least they changed the sheets the next day - right??