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Monday, March 7, 2011

At Last Naturals GIVEAWAY with Review $120 VALUE (ENDED)

WINNER Is Teresa Y

Last month I did a post telling all of you I was fed up with the mood swings, hot flashes and discomfort that goes along with menopause.

But this post is about more than just menopause.  If you're a female living with the ups and downs of PMS, Perimenopause or Menopause, At Last Naturals is a complete line of products to help return our bodies to optimum balance, naturally.

Here Are The Products I Received To Review:

Based on my Menopause Symptoms, it was recommended that I start with the Equigest Cream and Meno Herbs 2.

I started with the Equigest Cream which is a Progesterone Balancing Cream.  It's easy to use, I started with the lowest recommended dose which is 1/4 teaspoon per day rubbed on to the skin for a 21 day cycle.  Then a 7 day break and right back on.

And because I was introducing new products to my body, I waited until week two to start the Meno Herbs 2.  Again, easy to use, two tablets per day designed to restore optimum balance and work with the Equigest Cream.

Here's My Honest Opinion:

I couldn't believe the reduction in my hot flashes.  Of all the menopause symptoms I've had, hot flashes has been the toughest on me and my family.  It was heartbreaking for me to be burning up inside and have to push away my 4-year old daughter when she wanted a hug.  

I can sincerely tell you I have seen a huge reduction in the number of hot flashes I've had since starting the Equigest Cream and Meno Herbs 2.  I've gone from 4 or 5 hot flashes per day down to 1 every couple of days which will keep me reaching for At Last Naturals products again and again.  

If PMS, Perimenopause
 Menopause Symptoms
Are Making You and Your Loved Ones Miserable

And Now Enter To Win
The Complete 
 and MENOPAUSE Relief Products
It's a $120 VALUE!!

Right Here!

Here's How:

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Like At Last Naturals on facebook

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Be sure to leave ONE comment for each entry.  Giveaway begins now and ends March 22nd at 9:00 pm EST.  Open to USA Residents ONLY.  Good Luck!

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Disclosure:  I  received the At Last Products shown before writing this review.  I was not compensated for writing a positive or favorable review and this is my personal opinion of the two products I used.  I am not responsible for mailing out the prize. The winner will have 3 days to respond once they have been contacted. I will then forward  their address to At Last Naturals who will provide the prize.


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jan said...

oooh, boyhowdy, do I need this! LOL Hot flashes are horrible! I like At Last Natruals on FB (janice alvarez herberger)

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1955nurse said...

I "LIKE" them on FB, AND entered the sweepstakes they have on THEIR FB wall ((HollyCunningham)) Thanks!

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I'm a new follower via Google friend connect ((1955nursehjc4me(at)myway(dot)com)) Great giveaway!!!

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I'm also a brand-new email subscriber ((1955nursehjc4me(at)myway(dot)com)) Wonderful company!!!

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Also entering your "Alexs's Angels" giveaway ((1955nursehjc4me(at)myway(dot)com)) Thanks!!!

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