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Friday, May 13, 2011

Thursday Friends Cafe Blog Hop

Welcome to the Thursday Cafe Blog Hop
Hosted by Me and Tammy's Two Cents

Just a Quick Reminder of how it works:

Please be Sure to Follow both of us to qualify
for the weekly guest host spot
(many have missed out by not following...don't be one of them!)

Please leave me a comment so I know you are following
 and I will
follow you back!

Please join me by welcoming

Back to the Cafe!

stop over and say "Hi"
don't forget to hit that follow 
button while you're there!!

This is the BLOG HOP

post signature


Anonymous said...

Following both hosts and guest hosts! <3

Brooke said...

I'm back! Thanks again for hosting!

Unknown said...

Hi Deb! So glad you are back! Just wanted to stop by and say I had missed you and hope everything is going okay. I think you may have already heard about my mistake with Facebook. In the beginning I did not know that everyone was following my personal Facebook and not the blog Facebook. I really hated to ask people to come back so I have had to jump in once again and start the blog hops to get more followers. I don't know why Facebook is so important to be able to do reviews but they want at least 500 and more if you want to review the best products. Not sure if I will ever make that but I will put forth an honest attempt and if it works it works, if not, then I wasn't meant to review products! Have a great week!


Anonymous said...

Hi! Following you from the Thursday blog hop. Please come visit me at:

Have a great day!

I Am Not Superwoman said...

Already following. Thanks for hosting this hop. Have a great day!

Pinkim said...

Hi There, following you two and the guest host...Pinkim from TrulysimplyPink

Marlee said...

Hi Deb! I'm a new follower, a broke college student blogging about how to live on an EXTREMELY tight budget! Thanks for hosting!!

Cakeblast said...

I was already a follower; just hopping by to say Hi :)