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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Diamond and Amethyst Earrings Give Away!!

I'm so thrilled to be hosting my very first GIVEAWAY and what a GIVEAWAY it is!!!!

I have been holding back a few secrets from my blogging buddies, one of them being that I buy and sell vintage jewelry. Love collecting this stuff and I'm always buying and selling to help build up my own collection.

So to celebrate the upcoming Christmas Season, I will be GIVING AWAY a beautiful pair of 10K Yellow and White Gold Amethyst and Diamond earrings!!!!

Now, let me clear up one thing.  These earrings are vintage ie pre-loved however they have been thoroughly inspected, cleaned and polished and are in gorgeous, ready to wear condition.  They will be mailed out in a lovely red cardboard jewelry box to the lucky winner!

A little about these lovely little beauties!

Each 10K solid yellow gold stud houses a beautiful oval faceted amethyst surrounded by 10 genuine diamond (tested) accent stones.  Each amethyst is 3mm x 5mm with the entire earring top being 6mm x 9.5mm.

Perfect for work, blue jeans or a special evening out, these gorgeous earrings will work with nearly everything in your wardrobe!

Back of each earring is clearly stamped 10K while the butterflies that were acquired with them are stamped 14K.

For pierced ears only and February's birthstone.

Now let's go over the rules:


You MUST leave one comment on THIS POST - That is your entry into the contest.

You may leave 3 Additional comments (entries) on this post BUT only if you:  BLOG ABOUT THIS GIVEAWAY WITH A LINK BACK TO THIS POST!

The maximum number of comments (entries) per person is 4 (yes, I will be checking!) and that is ONLY for those who blog about this contest with the link back to this post.  All other FOLLOWERS can enter ONCE by leaving one comment on THIS post.

I will be using the total number of valid comments on THIS post to select the winner using the Random Number Generator.  I will count down the list of valid comments and match the number selected to that number comment and voila, our lucky winner!

 Your FIRST comment will be your entry into this contest, all subsequent comments that do not meet the guidelines above will be deleted
ALL deleted comments will be EXCLUDED from the official count when determining the winner.

The draw will take place on Sunday, December 6, 2009 so be sure to check back!  The lucky winner will be announced then and have 48 hours to claim their prize!  It is the responsibility of that winner to provide their mailing information to me at  If that commenter does not contact me within that 48-hour period, I will select another winner.  Any duty or taxes incurred at the time of delivery are the responsibility of the recipient.

So make sure you are following me and leave ONE comment here. Then get busy blogging about this terrific GIVEAWAY with a link back to this post so you can come back and leave 3 more comments!!!

Good Luck and keep checking back.  I have more jewelry giveaways coming!!

PS:  I'm going to have company for the next couple of days so won't be able to comment as much as I'd like but I'll be back in full swing on Thursday!

post signature


honeypiehorse said...

Lovely! Purple is so my color.

Unknown said...

OH those are gorgeous. Amethyst is my favorite gem ok seriously I loev purple lol let's not lie. Oh yeah and me winning would soo bite my sister who finds stuff like this at YAD SALES for a quarter .. ok so maybe just awee bit of competetion on my part I'll back off now.. but I really wanna win purty puhleaseeeee random number generator have mercy on moi

ethelmaepotter! said...

How can bear to part with these beauties?

Unknown said...

oh those are beautiful! i am a follower.

keeping my fingers crossed. have a great day...hugz!

The Four Week Vegan said...

Those are lovely. I follow your blog and really hope I win :)

Lissaloo said...

Those are gorgeous! How could you be keeping secrets from us?!?! :)

Ina in Alaska said...

Count me in! I am a follower! they are gorgeous and would go well with my late grandmother's amythst and diamond ring!!

Good luck everyone!!! xoxo

Lee said...

Great giveaway!! What a stud...earrings and you!

yonca said...

OMG! Deb, those are beautiful. Nowadays i'm very lucky! 6 is my lucky number. Hope brings me luck again. I will explain on my blog later :)
I'm a follower :)

Kimi said...

These are gorgeous! Count me in. I'm a follower.

Connie K said...

Cute earrings i hope i win !!! And you have been holding out on us about our love for jewerly i collect all kinds of pieces too well i should say my father finds them it's his hobby and the he send me things i might like. Would love to see more of your collection , Great giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

They're beautiful! Love them!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Gorgeous earrings!

Shannon K. said...
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Shannon K. said...
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Shannon K. said...
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Shannon K. said...
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Shannon K. said...
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Shannon K. said...
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Shannon K. said...
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Shannon K. said...
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Shannon K. said...
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Martha said...

I'm a follower, and LOVE the earrings. Amethyst is my birthstone!!

What a fabulouse giveaway!!!

Heather said...

I am commenting because I am a follower and that is what I do.

Sounds like a fun thing to do, those beauties are going to make some one very happy.

If by some weird chance, I was to win. Please let me know (cause that like never happens) and give them to some one else. I don't wear earrings.

Ashley said...

What a fun job! To buy and sell vintage jewelry! My mom’s friend does that! She always has so many great things! I wore a VERY old vintage bracelet for my wedding as something old!

June said...

Love vintage jewelry. I have a small collection of vintage pins that I love to wear.

Do you have an online etsy or ebay store?

KaLynn ("MiMi") said...

Amethyst is my birthstone!! These are beautiful!!!

You are soo sly!! Keeping this kind of thing to yourself!! I will absolutely put a blog back to you on my blog!!


Corrie Howe said...

What beautiful earrings! I read your post over at Life 2 Us! I loved it!

Unknown said...

Those are so pretty, but sadly I'm a sterling silver kind of gal. But it's a fabulous idea and a great giveaway!

KaLynn ("MiMi") said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gayle said...

The earrings are beautiful!! What a fun thing to do!!

Anonymous said...

those are gorgeous earrings and i sooooo need some bling.

i will definitely post about your giveaway tomorrow. today was my mad-as-hell-venting post and i don't want to muddy your beautiful giveaway with my rantings.'re giving these away on the 6th? how nice...the 5th happens to be my birthday. ;)

Mama-Face said...

Beautiful earrings and just about the most perfect birthstone if I do say so myself. hint hint. What a mysterious woman you are. :)

and wtf with the comment deleting?

Respectfully Yours said...

Purple, my favorite colour. They will look so good on me. Thanks for the offer. Great idea right before Christmas.

Liz Mays said...

They're just gorgeous!!! I wanna know more of your secrets! said...

Boy, those sure are gorgeous! I think you already know that I'm follower and I will let you know when I link back to the giveaway.

Dreamfarm Girl said...

they are lovely! I am sending good vibes that I'm your lucky winner.

Holly Lefevre said...

Those are beautiful. I am a follower and I love them. I love vintage jewelry! I'd blog about it at my place but can barely get my act together these days!


MaryRC said...

really are so very pretty...

Sandra Wilkes said...

Gorgeous. I have a sweater they would look swell with! Got my fingers crossed!

sitting on the mood swing at the playground said...

They're beautiful...

Anonymous said...

i blogged...and even PUT IT IN CAPS! that should at least count for something...

Stephanie said...

Oh how pretty! Very delicate:)

I am a follower!

Anonymous said...

this is the second time i've had to remind you that i blogged about your giveaway...AND USED CAPS, WHICH BTW, I NEVER DO...

lol...this is fun.

Anonymous said...

ok, this is it. this is the last time i'm going to tell you I NEED THAT BLING.


ok, i'm better...caps off now.

Anita said...

Your giveaway reminds me that you have another blog. I've always intended to read it, but always said, "I'll come back to it."
Well now, I'm curious, so I will be peeking into it soon. :)

BigSis said...

Beautiful! And, I love how clear you are - I'm a rules girl myself :)

Mrs Montoya said...

Holy smokes - are you kidding? Those are SO pretty to giveaway and they would look spectacular on me :) I'm over from Sitting on the Mood Swing and am your newest follower!!

Natalie said...

oh, they are making my little heart go boombidyboom!xx♥

KaLynn ("MiMi") said...

I posted a blog on both my blogs about your give away.
Kacklin with Kalynn

and on Spillin the Beans

I hope you get some lookers out of it!!

Cheers girlfriend!!

Leslie said...

Count me in, I'm a follower!

And... so what other wonderful secrets are you hiding from us?!!

Joanna Jenkins said...

I stopped over from Chocolate Covered Daydreams who blogged about your Giveaway. And what a FAB Giveaway it is! Please count me in. I'm follower #124!

Mrs Montoya said...

I included your giveaway in today's post. An entry for me - yahoo!

Julie D said...

Yay! Beautiful stuff! Let's hope I'm the lucky winner since I never win anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And, I look great in purple and diamonds!

Jen said...

Those are absolutely gorgeous - what a lovely giveaway!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

What a classic pair of pretties. Fabulous giveaway! We're giving away a necklace!

Dabalack Family said...

Wow... thank you for offering an amazing give away. Your generosity is inspirational. May you have a wonderful holiday filled with moments we will remember for a lifetime! :)

Mrs Montoya said...

Another entry for me. Woo hoo! And thanks for permission to link back on my charity post. I love what you're doing.

Mrs Montoya said...

And #4. I seriously would LOVE these earrings and am so excited I found your great new blog. Good luck to everyone. Really.

VandyJ said...

Any girl loves a little sparkle, and this girl would love a little of that sparkle. I am following but relatively new to the blogging world, but sign me up for the sparklies please!

Kathleen @ Measuring My Life said...

What a great giveaway! My little girl is due this coming February...

Tonya Ingram said...

Beautiful earrings... found you via Chocolate Covered Daydreams, via Mandy and Viva the Diva.

Lisa said...

Vintage amethyst, be still my heart! Who knew you were keeping such a secret from us?

HeartsMakeFamilies said...

I'm a follower and love these earrings.

Caution/Lisa said...

Well I have been a follower even without a contest! They're mighty pretty though.

Helene said...

Those are gorgeous!!!!! Wearing those would give me an excuse to dress up every once in awhile...LOL!

I'm already a follower!

jules said...

Those are beautiful. I could wear them with so many outfits.

I just became a new follower.

Sarafree said...

I'm a follower, and those sure are pretty! said...

Count me in for another entry. I just went through interview number 2 and those earrings would look great if I got the job.

Shelli said...

Thank you for the giveaway, the earring are beautiful!

Margaret said...

Nice to hear that you deal with vintage jewelery. I always love them. The image here on that Amethyst earings was also looking so pretty. It would no doubt add beauty and royalty to every women who wears it.
Nice sharing and keep posting