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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It Couldn't Be A Ghost...Right??

I'm not one to shy away from the paranormal and growing up in an "active" house has certainly helped me to keep an open mind.  But this post isn't about the home I grew up in, it's about the Historic Home we now live in that was built in 1891.

The other night it was business as usual except that I had stayed up much later than normal.  I slipped into bed around 1:10 am after closing the bedroom door.  I had my eyes closed for about 10 minutes and was drifting off to sleep when I heard a loud snap out in the hall (almost like a rubber band).  I then watched wide eyed as our bedroom door unlatched and slowly opened by itself.  I laid there and looked at it for a few minutes trying to come up with a logical explanation.

Was there a window open?  Had air alone unlatched the door?  Had I not closed it properly?  Could that loud snap have been a sound I should be familiar with?

No, no, no and no.

I then got up and pushed the door all the way open making sure it had something heavy in front of it to keep it that way.  There was nothing else unusual that night but there have been nights when I could swear someone is either patting my head of stroking my hair.  Strange.

As for the house I grew up in, I'll write about that one soon so stay tuned.

In the meantime, do you believe in the paranormal?  There certainly has been a huge increase in "reality-type" ghost buster shows. 
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Simply Suthern said...

I saw that movie. It didnt turn out well in the end.

Maybe your house was built on top of an ancient Indian Hair salon.

~Trema~ said...

I'd be freaked out!!! My mother grew up in a house that had previously been a funeral home. Now, she has some stories! Good Luck with with your "visitor"

Samantha said...

Hey! It's been a while since I've been to your blog (I was at Apple Juice & Milk, but made a new blog called On the Couch). Anyway, I don't know what to believe about 'ghosts', but I know that there is definitely something out there doing these creepy things to people!

ethelmaepotter! said...

Very spooky - I don't know which I'd be more afraid of - opening the door or touching my head.
Years ago, we lived in a new house on the edge of a huge farm. Within sight of our back door on said farm was an actual Native American burial mound. When the old farmer died, his widow started selling off the land - and sold that portion to a developer, who, in spite of the efforts of Native Americans and historians, bulldozed the mound and built a massive duplex compound.
Well, a few days after that mound came down, we had a week of very unusual stuff. Things that disappeared and reappeared hours later. Doors that locked when we went out on the porch. TV that turned alternately mute and very loud when we went out of the room. And little Ariel, who was not in her bed when I checked on her before leaving for work at 3AM - we panicked and looked everywhere, all lights on and screaming her name. Finally found her...on the top bunk in her brother's room. The thing was, the ladder was in the closet, because we didn't want them up top til they were older. She had no recollection of going up there, and when we tried to get her to climb without the ladder the next day, she absolutely could not do it.
If it had continued after that, I would have been GONE.

Happy said...

Very creepy! I've had similar things happen to me.

So happy that I came from the Totally Tuesday Blog Hop, I really like your blog and am your newest follower on GFC.

Come on by and visit me at

Have a great day.

sstone said...

I have varied opinions on paranormal activities. I think somethings are natural, and some are not.
I'm a new follower from Fun Tuesdays:)
I'm over at

Michele said...

I'm a believer - I've had some weird things happen to me, too.

Unknown said...

oooh that is creepy. I believe in ghosts and am hooked on watching all the paranormal shows. I don't understand it but I do think ghosts exist but I also believe in evil spirits and that is what really scares me - how can you tell the difference? Ah now I am really scared, all alone, blog hopping...

I'm so glad I found your blog and I am looking forward to reading all about your house guest.


Working Mommy said...

I definitely think there has to be something else out there...paranormal or otherwise. I mean, it can't just be us here...ya know?! As long as no one gets hurt, then it can't be that bad to share our space...


Tammy said...

That would scare the crap out of me. I normally don't believe in those kinds of things but when someone like you tells me an incident like that, I believe!

Anonymous said...

Well if they're just patting your head or hair it doesn't sound too harmful. Keep smiling. LOL

Kristyn said...

Thanks for following me I am now following back! Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

I don't know so much about the word 'Paranormal' but I certainly believe in the 'Supernatural and Spiritual'. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord - for those who are believers'

MMAR said...

YES!! I have had several paranormal "experiences" throughout my life!!

Linda R. said...

Yes, I believe in the paranormal. We lived in a house were a whole bunch of strange things would happen. I witness one of those strange things and I still get the chills just thinking about it.

Kelly said...

Crazy! I used to live in an old house too. I just found your blog and am following you now. I would love if you followed back as well! :)


gayle said...

You weren't scared? I would have been!! I do believe in ghost etc.!