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Friday, August 19, 2011

Aloha Friday - Do You Fight Fair?

Aloha Fridays are brought to you by Kailani in beautiful Hawaii at An Island Life where Friday is the day to take it easy while anticipating the coming weekend. Today I'm going to link up, take it easy and ask a question.

When my hubby and I disagree on something, we typically share our opposing views and leave it at that agreeing to disagree.  We also have the rule not to go to bed angry with one another which we've pretty much stuck to.  Overall, we try to keep a peaceful home for our daughter but it takes discipline, sometimes ALOT of discipline (especially on my part Lol!)
How about you?  Do you stew when you're angry at your significant other?  Do you give him/her the silent treatment?  Do you answer "Nothing!" when you're asked "What's wrong?"  Do you roll your eyes and say "Whatever!" when they dare disagree with you? Do you fight fair?
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MMAR said...

Yes yes yes and yes : )
We also agreed not to go to bed angry and to think about Alex when we are upset

Jennifer said...

You just read off all of my tricks! LOL! Oh, my poor husband...

CMash said...

Yes to all of the above and in the same order lol.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do all of that...

Simply Suthern said...

Fight Fair? So there are rules?

My wife pulls those. I spose I get a bit quiet at times but in the almost 29 yrs we've never, ever hollared at each other. I'm kinda laid back so I really dont feel the need to argue or have my way about too many things.

My neighbor on the other hand left home this morning squalling his tires. His wife never holds her tongue.

Unknown said...

I'm very bad about keeping everything inside and bottled up. I also tend to hold a grudge. I know it's not the healthy way to resolve things but I truly hate conflict and try to avoid it. Once I do start letting it out, I usually end up saying things I regret.

Stacy Uncorked said...

For the most part my hubby and I are very similar to you and your hubby - we haven't had any major (or minor) disagreements in a long time... :) But to answer your questions specifically:

Yes I stew when I'm angry at my hubby - but usually only if he's refusing to talk it out. ;)

No I don't give him the silent treatment - usually he's the one that doles those out. :)

Yes I do answer "Nothing!" when asked "what's wrong" - mostly because it ends up being one of those situations of "pick your battles". :)

Sometimes yes I do roll my eyes and say "Whatever!" if he's being completely unreasonable (and since he's a literal guy, that can be a regular event). ;)

Yes I fight fair - at least I think I do. ;)

Boys are Different - Bedtime Routines

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Yes I stew, get silent, and often will end up snarky. Try to fight fair most of the time - and always avoid near the kids and talking before going to bed.

Colette S said...

I do the roll eye and say whatever but I do the others.

When I'm angry I'll blow up! Not in mean, nasty name calling way, but just loud.

I'll stew too. And the silent treatment is my easy weapon (which is wrong) but it helps me to calm down.

I used to come back and talk about what happened but since he doesn't seem to care how a fight end, I stopped doing that.

We need to get healthy.

Anonymous said...

I can get silent to avoid arguing, or we just agree to disagree. If I get too upset I'll just leave the house for awhile.

Liz Mays said...

I don't know if I fight fair or not. I tend to just get quiet and want to get away and be by myself. I'm not one to get loud and argumentative.

Smellyann said...

We don't find that often, but when we do, I tend to be pretty snarky and sarcastic and stuff. It's something I could stand to work on! (Him too)

I am Harriet said...

I've learned how to pick an choose my battles. Sometimes if it's not worth the energy I'll just walk away and not say anything- which really ticks them off. ha ha ha

Have a great rest of your Friday!

Kailani said...

Yup, that's all me! LOL!

An Island Life