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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Get Rid of Fruit Flies FAST!

I love Summer but I hate Fruit Fly season.  Seems that once they get in the house, there is no getting away from the little critters flying around the kitchen and getting into everything food related.

With less than a week left before a pile of company is due to arrive, I thought I'd try to get rid of the fruit flies.  So I did a little research.  After reading up on it, I found two methods that others swore by.  So I decided to do a little experiment and try both.

The first was the Martha Stewart method.  Just take a jar, stick a few pieces of over-ripe fruit in the bottom,  and then top it with a paper cone with a small cut in the bottom so the flies could get in but not back out.  To make a quick paper cone, I cut a corner off an envelope and snipped the point, opened it up and fit it into the top of the mason jar.  A little tape to hold it in place and I then screwed on the lid.  If you want to pass on the paper cone, just use a piece of clear plastic wrap on top held into place with an elastic band and poke a few holes in the plastic wrap.

The second method was passed down from someones grandmother.  This was easier since all you had to do was take a small container (I chose another canning jar) and place 3 tbsps of apple cider vinegar and 3 drops of dish soap inside.  No lid, no bother, no nothing.  Just sit it on the counter and wait.

Guess which worked best?  I had my money on Martha Stewart but Granny's method worked like a charm.  Not only did it work better, it looked a heck of a lot more appealing sitting on the counter than a dish of rotting fruit.  And if you don't have a glass canning jar, you could use a pretty china teacup or even a small crystal vase.

If you take a close look at the bottom of the cider jar, you can see fruit flies along the bottom.  I'm guessing it trapped more than 100 in less than 24 hours (I didn't realize there were that many in my house..ewwwwww!)  Martha's method trapped around 10.

So if fruit flies are taking over your kitchen, give Granny's method a try and let me know what you think.

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Simply Suthern said...

I have always used the cone method. From here on to be called "The Method Martha stole from Simply".

I will have to try Grand Ma's method tho. Easy and not near as stinky as the bananas we typically use.

Unknown said...

Definitely going to try Granny's method!

Liz Mays said...

Granny's method is definitely the one I would use. It's very similar to one I tried, but I didn't use apple cider vinegar, just regular vinegar. Did the trick though!

Stephanie said...

A very timely post! I came home from BlogHer to some rotting bananas. Ug

Janie B said...

I've heard of the vinegar, but not adding dish soap. That might help with the smell of the vinegar, which drives me crazy.

Unknown said...

I've always done Granny's vinegar with Martha's plastic wrap. I'm going to have to try adding dish soap and leaving the jar open. Is there any particular type/brand of dish soap, or do they all work equally?

Tammy said...

I will have to try that. We don't get them too often around here but they do show up now and then!

Anonymous said...

I always use vinegar in a jar but have never added dish soap. I will have to try it. New follower from the Wandering Wednesday Blog Hop. Hope you can hop on over to

Tania B said...

Wow, thanks for this! I have needed a way to get rid of these dang fruit flies for some time now. Yippee! Dropping by from the Welcome Wednesday Blog Hop. I am now following and would love a follow back!

Unknown said...

I've used this method a dozen times. It's awesome. Can also use juice if you don't have the vinegar.

I'm following you first blog hop.
