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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thursday Friends & Giveaway Cafe Links!

Welcome to "Thursday's Friends & Giveaways Cafehosted by Tammy of Tammy's Two Cents  and me!

The first link is for meeting new friends!  (See second link below for adding your giveaways.)  Please Follow Tammy, the Guest Host and me.

Congrats to Aleksandra of
 Busy Working Mama  for being our Co-host this week!


Our second link is for Giveaways only!

Add your giveaway valued at $25 or more!

Giveaway links will stay active all week!  New link codes for the blog hop and giveaways hop will be available every
 Thursday at 12:01 AM EST on both Menopausal New Mom and Tammy's Two Cents so hope to see you then!

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Angie B said...

thanks for the linky!

Nicole said...

I'm your newest follower! Check me out at

Beth said...

Thanks for the linky - already following you!
Beth @ Two Monkeys & a Washtub

Lydia's Pennies said...

Thanks for hosting. I am a GFC follower

Anonymous said...

Following you now, thanks for hosting!

clschaan said...

Thank you so much for visiting me today at

It means so much to me! I'm now following you! Go Canada!

Unknown said...

Found you via Thirsty Thursday and now following you via GFC. :) Thanks too, for hosting a blog hop of your own! Would love it if you could visit my site as well -

Anonymous said...

Always following you :)

~Christina said...

Luv the site, your newest follower!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting each week :)

Liz Mays said...

Thank you sweet friend! I linked up some giveaways.

Jessica @ Life's Good Be Happy said...

Thanks for hosting! I'm a new follower!

Daphne said...

Hi! I'm your newest follower from Talkative Thursdays :) Hope you have a good day!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting lovey!!!

Malanda @ Outnumbered by Little Boys! said...

I'm your newest follower! Please check out my blog @

Unknown said...

Hi! Checking back - I've showcased Thursday Friends & Giveaways on today's post. The Giveaway linky is really tiny - is there a way to fix that?

Tina "The Book Lady"

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! I don't have anything to link up but I'm signing up for as many giveaways as I can. It's like I'm in a candy store. Thank you so much!!


BeeCute said...

I am now a new follower! Love ur blog! Hope u can come check out my brand new blog. I know its not much yet, but I'll be working on it to make it awesome very soon!!

Debbie said...

Hi, I am Debbie and I am now following you. Come check out my blog, too

Courtney said...

so I can't read and didn't see the more than $25 until after I posted. I'm a newbie - please forgive me :)

Babes Mami said...

I couldn't read the dentist one so I decided to comment on this post and say hey!

Amanda Popko said...

hey happy monday! i followed your interesing blog!

please follow and check out my beauty blog

thanks so much have a great day!
