So now I'm comfortable no matter how hot it is outside and hubby knows he had better not bitch about the power bill. Let's just say that in this marriage, he's learned four very important little words that he wasn't taught the first time around.
Happy Wife, Happy Life!
It couldn't be more simple, could it! How do you plan to beat the heat this Summer?

Oh, and there is still time to enter my giveaway for a $50 Gift Certificate from The Vintage Pearl Jewelry, you can enter and read about it Here or click on the giveaway link on my top right sidebar!
don't you need to be near a window for exhaust?(sending picks to hubbie)
Woo! We know those four words well around here.
Sweet little unit. Just a note. Not every personal pleasure appliance runs on batteries.
Now, back on point. They do make generators with handles and wheels as well if you need it to follow you to the garden.
Enjoy your cool summer. We keep the air and ceiling fans on and I have a HUGE hand fan that goes wherever I go!
Have a wonderful week in Motherhood!
We got central air about five years ago and I love it. I haven't hit menopause just yet (I'm workin on it)
AC is a necessity for the night sweats....
Those four words are really the secret to peace in most homes!
This lady here LOVES the summer heat and I'm out in it any chance I get BUT when I'm upstairs, trying to sleep at night I like it COOL... I may need to invest in your little beauty... thanks for sharing and I totally agree with the four words!
hahahaha! LOVE this post. And love your blog - I just found you and have totally enjoyed scrolling thru.
We haven't gotten hot enough this summer to need one--yet. Still, I'm not sure I could talk my hubby into one.
We finally got a small unit for our bedroom because Alex got tired of listening to me cry and moan over any day over 65 degrees. Thank God!
I am thankful for central air. I imagine you don't need it as much as we do, being up there....but...I also can handle heat so much better during the day than i can at night. i need to be cool and comfy when i sleep!
It doesn't have to mount in a window? That's beautiful!
We have central air here. It is so hot and humid we have it on 24/7 and has been since around
April/May. Glad you were able to get that cute little air conditioner!!
hope this beauty helps you stay cool.
With four window units and two oscillating fans, we manage to beat the heat down to about 78 degrees in the hottest part of the day.
I'm so glad my hubby already knows those 4 little words!
thursday follower from
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