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Friday, July 2, 2010

It's Party Time!

With the start of a new season, it's time to pass on all of these awards that everyone has been so sweet to give to me and I admit, I'm falling behind in saying "Thank You". Being recognized by other bloggers will always put a big smile on my face so please take a moment, visit these terrific gals, take a look around their places and say "Hello".

And rather than hand these awards out one by one, anyone who wants to snag any or all of these today can BUT only after doing the following:

Stand up;
Clap five times;
Jump up and down three times;
Spin around four times;
Do five hula rotations;
Beat your fists into your chest;
Take a bow
Sit down, and then

FOLLOW each and every one of these gals who were so sweet to pass on their lovely awards to me:

From Boobie, Babies and a Blog, and Gun Diva of Just Another Perfect Day and Lydia of Still On The Verge I received the Honest Scrap Award

From Jacqui of The Ins and Outs of a Stay at Home Mom and Wife  and Kayni I received The Versatile Blogger Award

And Linda of The Good The Bad The Worse honored me with the Sunshine Award

From my new friend Amanda at Our Crazy House, I received the Life Is Good Award

From Java at Never Growing Old I received the I Love Your Blog Award

From Kimberly at A Spicy Boy, A Cat and My Fat Ass I received another  I Love Your Blog Award

And again from Kayni of Kayni's Corner Cafe I received the Beautiful Blogger Award

So everyone, please grab whichever award here catches you eye or makes you smile, visit these terrific gals.  And don't forget to do the little dance number above to make it legal!

Have a great weekend!!!

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Buckeroomama said...

Congrats on your awards!

Belated happy Canada Day!

Diva's Thoughts said...

Congrats girly! You are truly loved on this here blogosphere.

Jen said...

As most people know, I don't do blog awards anymore but I just love your rules! What a great way to get everyone moving. You certainly deserve all of these awards, you are a treat to read.

cheri said...

oh, i also have 2 awards for you :)

June said...

Doing a little dance but grabbing your Green Stamp for a post today!

Congrats you lucky girl!! said...

You are one decorated blogger! Congrats on all the awards. Don't forget as you're giving your "acceptance" speeches that you remember me too as one of the "little people". hahaha

Anonymous said...

Congrats girl!

Erin Wallace said...

Congratulations on all of your awards! Hi! I'm your newest follower from FF - love your blog! Hope to see you at Dropped Stitches!

xo Erin

Heather said...

Congrats on all of your awards! You definately deserve each and every one!