So guess how many plastic bags were not handed out to our small, three-person family during the month of May?
71!! Yes, that's 71 less plastic bags that needed to be manufactured, or worse, ended up blowing around, hanging on trees or clogging our landfills. And yes, if you do the math, that averages out to more than 850 plastic bags in only one year for one small family!
My mom's two-person household refused 38 bags!
So if you don't think that your ONE household has much impact, I challenge you to do the math and either count the bags you do accept or better yet, count the ones you don't!

At first it was a pain to remember to bring my own reusable bag, but now it's become a habit and even if I do forget on a couple of occasions, I'd rather buy another reusable bag right at the cashier's to pack my groceries instead of opting for plastic bags.
I just started using my own shopping bags recently. It's been wonderful! I always hated how the stores would just put one or two things in a plastic shopping bag. Now you can fit so much more in those reuseable totes and it takes up less room in my trunk!
Great stats to make you realize that you can make a difference!
Have a great weekend!
I've been doing the reusable shopping bags for a long time, love them!! I love them so much that I've developed an addiction to cute reusable bags, the hubs has organized an intervention.
Holy Bags Batman!!!
Thanks for the math... it really is fun to see how much good i am doing!!!
Always having a large amount of groceries I do get the plastic bags. BUT they are recycled over and over in my house. I wish I could go without them but I never have under 10 bags t the store ...OH how I wish I could lol
What a stunning way to document how every single bag turned down makes a difference- WOW!
My nieces are coming for a visit this weekend and I have a welcome gift for them:
"Bag in the Wind" by Ted Kooser. It is an amazing storybook about the life of a single plastic bag.
I'm pumped to be your newest follower :)
Wow. My family is double the size of yours, so that means 140ish bags? Yikes.
This is such a good reminder - my daughter gave me the cutest reusable bags and I love them! The problem with me is I need to get more organized - sometimes I'll make a quick stop for groceries and will have forgotten to put the reusuable bags back in my car.
Stopping by from Follow Friday Over 40 - and so glad I found you!
I don't understand why people think that just b/c they have tons of groceries means they can't use reusable bags???
Holy bags batman, indeed!
Great post, Deb. Proud to be linking up w/ you today and going to tweet your post!
WOW! That's a lot!!! I keep meaning to bring my bags to the store and forget most times. I'll have to try better to remember!!!!!!!!!
Following back from FF. :) Thanks for visiting!!!
That's huge! I carry my reusables with me in the car at all times and actually feel embarrassed if I forget to bring them in.
wow! i have alot of plastic bags and i use them in my trash cans. i can't imagine howmany i get each month when i go shopping. saw your name on the list Follow Friday 40 and over.
I'm guilty of using plastic for the most part but it depends on the store that I'm shopping at. I reuse the plastic bags for stinky pullups, fish guts, dog poop.
Now that you've brought it to my attention, I am going to be more proactive in using my reusables.
Following from BHF. Have a great weekend!
Hi, Stopping by from Friday Follow! Have a great weekend!
nice blog. wooo hoo! I am ur new follower & hope u follow back
Following you from blog hop friday. This was a great idea. I have several reusable shopping bags but was always forgetting to take them with me. SO..I left some in my car for when i would need them.
Because of you, I have purchased my own shopping bags. Its amazing how many we save.
That's great to keep track of the impact you're making. Once the habit forms, it's hard to USE plastic bags. We're so far behind here...sigh. In Sweden, they charge you for plastic bags. I'm sure that gets old real quick. It's a great idea I think.
Great idea! It brings it all to the surface so you can't deny the impact. I've been using my own bags for a while now. I just keep them in the back seat of my car.
Thanks for following! Right back atcha!
I try to always keep a few reusable bags in my car, but sometimes forget.
Thanks for the follow ....I'm following you back!
Have an awesome weekend!
That's awesome!!!
I try my best to use as many reusables as i can...but we grocery shop in HUGE trips and I always end up having to take some...gulp...I know...I'm thinking I should just make more frequent trips to the store...but then I'll put us in the poor house...A lose/lose!
I really am trying and really doing better...Thanks for the reminder
I like my bags the best!! My daughter found some cute ones at another grocery store that I am going to check out!!
WOW I never thought of it that way Deb...I do get paper, I think I will get some of those bags, I see they sell them.
I love my reusable bags! Not to mention, if you ever move your household, or go camping, or have to bring a bunch of library books back to the library...they are good for that as well! I adore mine!
Wow! I used to never use reusables but now I do - and I am glad too!!
Newest follower from Follow Fun Friday! Will you follow me back?
What a great idea! I gave up plastic bags several years ago but I've never thought to count how many that would be.
I have to go to Target later today. You have just reminded me to take my reusable bags. I must admit that it is not a habit yet, but if I keep reading stories like yours, it will be!
Oh gosh... what a good idea! To count your total non-usage. Kudos!
I bought a bunch of reusable bags and now I find myself using them for all sorts of stuff in the house. Now I get to the store with about 2 of them. Time to buy some more of course. :)
Plastic bags make my blood boil!! =) Have you ever seen the the floating island pictures of plastic bags?? makes me raging mad if that is true!!
I always ask for paper or use my own reusable ones... (I am going to do a giveaway soon with them... =) sh...) They fit in your purse ~ are washable and I LOVE them!!) =) anyway .. .visiting from TTC ~ =)
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