Of course, I bought into the whole "what a thoughtful guy.. drool, drool, drool" and loved getting the "evil eye" from my married co-workers who were lucky to manage a phone call from their own husbands. Not me though, I had this loving, wonderful and thoughtful man in my life who made me feel like a million bucks.
That was "then".
This is "now" after 5 years of marriage.
Last time I received flowers from him? March 2009 on my birthday AFTER my mum showed up with a gorgeous bouquet for me. Hubby came home for lunch, saw my mum there, the colorful bouquet on the table and turned on his heel and right to the nearest flower shop. Of course, being as competitive as he is, he had to buy TWO bouquets.
Guess what?!
Not a single flower, bud or even a stray leaf has found it's way into this house via the hubs since. So the other day I spied a display of beautiful cut flowers at one of our local shops and treated myself. It's been a long Winter and wet Spring so I needed to bring a little Summer inside but most of all, I wanted to make a point.
Hubby came home from work, spied the flowers and didn't say a word. Wonder if he'll get the hint? If he's like most men, probably not.
So tell me, when is the last time your husband or significant other brought you flowers and how often do you receive them? And don't be shy, brag him up if he deserves it!

Mine brought me flowers about 2 weeks ago on his lunch hour...instead of thanking him, I asked him "What did you do?"
But, I think it had been years since the last time he brought me flowers.
Maybe a year ago. I get them for myself all the time. Why not. With his money. And I tell him thanks.
Ok, I am going to brag. But not only about my hubby, but my son too. For my birthday in May and fabulous bouquet of lillies arrived at work for me. The were so pretty. Everyone stopped by to take a peak. My hubby...how sweet.
Well, let me tell you. After lunch I heard a delivery guy arrive and ask for me by name. Well there was a dozen long stem roses..peach and yellow. Guess what, they were from my son!! They were so big, I had to sit them on the floor.
I am loved...and lucky.
I cannot rag on my husband about flowers...he is really thoughtful about getting them for Valentine's, Mother's Day etc.
But I will tell on him for baiting and switching on my about cooking! Before we were married, he made dinner a lot, but has since developed an allergy to the kitchen.
Hmmm Valentines dayhubby got me a flower.. Mother day I got nothing.. My MOM went and bought a card from the kids and flowers. Hubby knew he was in deep kemshe
Boo brought flowers for me on Mother's day BUT they were halfway dead before I saw them. (Thought that counts, I guess.)
He isn't one for giving me flowers. In fact, I was thinking about buying a pot of freesias just because.
I feel your pain, sista, I feel your pain!
My hubby is good with bringing flowers but a lot of times we just buy together...they are so cheap here and in the states we love the Costco ones.
Ahem......"most men"? LOL
I'm not smart, bright or intelligent. But one thing that life and marriage has done, is that it made me a very wise man. And the wisdom was a long and slow process that came to pass by trial and error. I will never figure out women, especially my wife, but I do know a few things about her. She likes unexpected phone calls to let her know I'm thinking about her, little notes, a touch or a kiss out of the blue, and FLOWERS FOR NO REASON.
Yep, I won't ever win the Nobel Peace Prize, or be a rocket scientist, or cure cancer, but I am an expert at staying out of the dog house. Okay.....most of time anyway. LOL
for mothers day, my husband went into our garden and made a beautiful flower arrangement. he loves flowers, but anything else forget it. i do love flowers. have a good day. rose
It's that just the way it goes? Just support those flower-growers yourself and enjoy them! :) Following from FMBT. Stop by to visit when you get a chance: scienceisgrowing.blogspot.com
MY dh is terrible abt flowers. Funniest time I got flowers: we were newlyweds & he ran to the grocery for me. I told him to be sure to pick up FLOUR bc I wanted to bake cookies. He cam home w/a big bouquet of FLOWERS bc he thought he'd made me mad and that I said he should bring me some...but no FLOUR for cookies. Sigh. Needless to say, that's the last time THAT happened! Thanks for the follow...I'm following back! :)
First I just want to say that my husband is a MUSH (much more so than I am quite frankly.) I admit that my husband brings me flowers often. I get the big bouquets for anniversary, birthday, valentines day, mother's day, and heck even our engagement anniversary (which was 18 years ago. He also brings be flowers if I'm really sick and EVERY TIME is goes to the grocery store for me (a few times a year). And also sends me flowers if he has to be away for a week or more on a business trip. I told you he was a MUSH.
BTW, thanks for the follow and I'm following you back -- love your blog!
The last Flowers I recieved were from my MIL. She saw them at the grocerystore and couldn't resist buying them for me. She was staying with us and FIL too, so I think it was a hint t the men in the house. The HINT didn't work! so no flowers since. :( I mention it but still get nothing. If I hear one more time "they'll just die!" I'm going to scream!
Oh that was 2001 I think.
I'm pretty sure I got some last year?? They popped up sporadically through the years. I guess he liked keeping me guessing. ;)
Anniversaries and mother's day, usually. But I'm not a big flower person...I'd rather he bring home dinner than flowers ;)
My husband 'lied' to me too when we were dating, flowers and back rubs all the time then we get married and poof its all gone.
The last time I got flowers was I think Mothers day but possibly Valentines. But which ever one I was there helping him pick them out.
Following from FMBT.
My husband buys me flowers maybe once a year on my birthday or Mothers Day. However, I buy them for myself almost every week or two when things aren't blooming in my garden. It's my little treat to myself!!
I always pick up the $3 carnations from our local supermarket. Someone's gotta perk this place up once in a while :)
My hubs only brings home flowers on Valentine's Day. When I was a single gal, I lived on Long Island. I'd commute to work by train into NYC. The jealousy I would have on Fridays... Why? Husbands toting beautiful bouquets on the train home to their wives every Friday. My husband says those are the guys that are either cheating or guilty for something. Ha ha. Nice excuse for being thoughtless I suppose :)
I'm your newest follower and I love your blog! A new mom at 45...wow! I'm impressed!
My ex gave me flowers on my first mother's day with my youngest. That was...3 years ago. lol
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Hubby just got me a hanging basket of some pretty flowers for the porch. That's the first time he has bought me flowers in a long time.
When we were dating and when we first got married and for many years...........NOTHING. Then he finally got the message and started sending me flowers all the time. I think we talked about how expensive they were etc etc..girls in college etc etc. Can't remember the last time I got any. My youngest sent them the last time and that has been years ago. Why can't some men understand ....(this is my feeling anyway)......that we like to get them once in awhile!!!
I got two dozen roses for Mother's Day. He usually sends them a couple of times a year, but I never know when the urge will hit him. He is generally a very good gift giver...I think flowers are usually when he has no great ideas. But still I don't hesitate to buy myself an arrangement for the kitchen table. I think flowers and scented candles just make everything homey.
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It was prob my birthday last year... I like flowers but they die and I can't justify spending $60+ on them. So I would rather get clothes or something else!!!
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The last day of work before we got married, he sent a beautiful arrangement to my work. That was the first and only time I've gotten flowers. It is what it is right?
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Found you via FMBT! Have a great Tuesday!
When I was little my dad used to buy my mom a bouquet of flowers every wknd, so when I got married I insisted my husband do the same. Being the Frugal guy that he is, my husband said "think of all the money we could save if I didn't waste it on flowers every week. Imagine all the Jewelry we could by with that."
So we made a deal that at the end of the year he would buy me a piece of Jewelry with the money he saved on flowers and only has to buy me flowers when we have guests.
We'll see how that pans out.
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Hmm, about 3 weeks ago...just because. Of course I'm always skeptical, like ok what's wrong, but it was just because, oh and they were on sale...
Newest follower in the house from Tag Along Tuesday. Would love to hear back from you! Can't wait to read more...
Lots of yummy love,
Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner
I don't think my dh has ever bought me flowers. He is romantically challenged. He would rather get my car detailed :)
Hi, I am following you from Follow me Back Tuesday :)
Jennifer @ http://coplingshobbithole.blogspot.com/
I have to remind you that you did get a beautiful ring recently! :)
But yes, flowers are for dating people not married folk!
is it ok to say i got flowers last week from my bf...lol. well, we're still a few months together. i wonder if that will change in a year or more...lol.
i'm following you from follow me back tuesday. i hope you can follow me too.
The last time my hubby bought me flowers was Mother's Day. But before that....I can't even remember. However, I tell him not to spend $60 on expensive flowers, just go to Costco and get great ones for cheap! Ya, I'm cheap like that! But now I think he thinks that he never needs to buy flowers! Whoops.
My hubby used to buy me flowers every single week for years and years, and then when our youngest was born 10 years ago he seemed to stop...now it is only mother's day and valentines day, but I do miss the weekly gift....when I hear the song by Streisand 'you don't bring me flowers any more'I well up!
My husband bought me flowers for Mother's Day. I'm visiting from Follow Me Back Tuesday. I signed up to be a new follower.
It's been so long I can't remember! lol! I can remember the first time I received them, I thought it was a joke from the Warehouse guys I use to work with...but it actually was hubby! :)
Alex gets me flowers all the time. Big splashy arrangements that are a little on the vulgar side (but I would never tell him that). He makes me laugh!
I really don't know, but our son picks me flowers all of the time :)
New Follower from FMBT
Mothers Day was the last time. Then there was my birthday, Babes birth and I don't know what other two times, I have 5 random vases...probably Valentines Days or something. We've been together a little over a year and a half so I guess that's good.
Hi! I'm a new follower from Follow Me Back Tuesday. These are too cute! I'll have give them a try for a potluck sometime. I hope you can come visit and follow me too! :)
I had flowers from April to May because I needed a pick me up during a rough patch at work and for our wedding anniversary. People at work thought that he either loved me at lot or he had done something really bad!
I can't say anything negative about my husband- especially this week. Heck, the man surprised me with a new pair of shoes!!!!!!!!!
You are still super justified in your prickliness over the flower matter though! Seriously.
Ummmmm...let me think...flowers. I think I remember those things...they're pretty right. I haven't seen any in, well, forever? At least not from hubby. Not even for Mother's Day when he watches me run around buying flowers for my Mom and His...not over summer when I'm eyeing all the pretty plants. Not even when I pushed out the 10lb baby with no epidural.
Thanks for stopping by A Busy Mommy, I'm following you now too :)
I have to say that my husband does fairly well in the floral department. I probably get flowers from him several times a year. But I also buy flowers "for the house" fairly routinely, because I like having them on display. Often, my husband will suggest this when we're out shopping and see a display--he doesn't get flower credit for those purchases, but its good to know he's on board with the whole flower thing, plus it keeps the issue on his radar.
When I get a S/O I'll let you know. lol
Hubby wasn't good at choosing and bringing flowers but in the time he changed:) Love good changes!
Hi. Thanks for following me back. Im returning the favor. As for the question. I think the last time was months ago. I have thought why should I wait on him to buy flowers. If I want flowers I should buy it myself, but I still havent done it yet. lol
holy crapola, i am commenter number 53, now that in itself is a trip! Okay, last time my hubby bought me flowers was May 10, 1990. this was the day he proposed. the last time he brought me flowers it was two years ago and he found them in a dumpster behind the local Trader Joes. Yup. My hubby doesn't get it.
Found you from My Tot's Exactly Linky! =) I have to admit my hubby sends me flowers for the special holidays like Mother's Day, my Bday, and Valentine's Day...however I never get "just because" flowers or gifts anymore. Back "then" I did...all the time...ALL the time! I'm thankful I still get something though you know. And he shows big love in other ways like buying the house, paying all the bills, buying food and clothes, paying the cleaning lady & date-night babysitters....well you see where I'm coming from =)
mine usually gets me flowers once a year or so, generally on our anniversary....
i say buy your own! why not?!?!
My hubs isnt too bad with the whole flower thing ! but i love buying them myself at Fresh & Easy they are way cheep and so pretty :) sorry i havent been by lately trying to get back into the swing of things hope all is well !
We men are'nt perfect...see what I mean, the way I spelled r'nt.lol
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Last month was the last time - but he was in the doghouse, so I don't know if that counts. ;)
Stopping by to return the follow! Have a great night!
In 12 years of dating/marriage my husband has gotten me flowers a grand total of 3 times, bought me a card maybe half a dozen times, and only buys me candy the day AFTER Valentine's day. However, he's gotten me every video game, dvd, or cd I've even blinked at. lol
What is hilarious is that my hubby always gets me flowers for special occasions and I always tell him not too. Then when he persisted...I told him to buy them at Trader Joe's of the grocery store. I like odd/unusual flowers and he always gets roses or tulips...not to sound ungrateful but..OK, I do sounds ungrateful.
Thanks for the follow, hubby doesn't buy flowers normally because I don't like them. He only gets them if I drop enough hints that it has been time!
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