We just spent a week at our cottage which is located on a nice big lake in the middle of the woods. Thankfully, hubby swims like a fish because if he didn't, I wouldn't let him anywhere near that water.
This story goes back to our early days before we had our daughter when hubby was still trying to impress me. We were at his cottage, having a wonderful time and he decides we should take the canoe out to the raft that floats about 80 feet from shore in about 30 feet of water. So I get a life jacket on and with hubby in the back of the canoe, we set off from shore.
We get to the raft, climb up and spend the afternoon waving to the passing boats and just enjoying the Summer sunshine. When it's time to leave, hubby leans over and pulls the canoe up to the side of the raft so I can step in for the ride back to shore. I put on a life jacket and carefully step down off the floating raft into the front of the canoe. Hubby throws his life jacket into the canoe and walks across the raft to the back of the canoe and pulls it up along side the raft. In his haste and desire to look "cool", he casually steps down into the canoe but at the same time, his weight starts pushing the canoe away from the raft before he is in.
You get the picture? He has one foot down in the canoe, the other is up on the raft and he is starting to lose his balance as the canoe drifts away from the raft. He stands there doing the splits as long as he can, gets a shitty look on his face and then with arms swinging in the breeze, he goes backwards right into the water, clothes, wallet, watch, hat, shoes and all. Down he goes under the water between the canoe and raft. I look over the side as he surfaces.
Once I see that he's okay and extremely embarrassed, I start laughing hysterically. He pulls himself back up out of the water, onto the raft and then carefully steps down into the canoe sopping wet for the paddle back to shore.
Thanks for the chuckle hubby, I can't even look at that canoe now without cracking up!!

At that moment, you probably decided to marry him, right?
So accidental death by drowning wouldn't be a way for you to collect a big life insurance policy? :0)
Tooo funny! Yes, I pictured it. LOL!
That's great that you have a husband you makes you laugh!! Mine does, too, and those are some of best memories...us laughing!! :-D I loved your post about buying flowers for yourself!! You go, girl!! :o)
hahahaha! :)
See Deb, you still married him....that was a sign of true love. At least he keeps the humor going still!!~
Of course he was trying to look cool. That's what we do. It's a built in thing that we can't control....I think it's called the "cool gene". Gotta be and look cool in everything we do. Especially in front of the ladies.
That's what we were put here for Huh??
Your entertainment. You're welcome
Thankya Thankya very much.
i have a cabin in the middle of the woods and we have a floating dock and canoes. I can totally picture this entire scene and started laughing almost immediately when you said he threw the life jacket in the canoe first.
OH priceless. Of all the moments to NOT have a camera for ya know posterity sake..
Hahahaha!! That's too funny!
I can so picture this... Funny!!
I'm your newest follower from Friday Follow! Loving your blog..can't wait to read more!
Found you through "Over 40 Friday Follow" and I'm following your blog!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Hi there.
Stopping by from Friday-Follow to say hello.
Thanks for playing.
Have a great day!
a guy who can make you laugh is a keeper. now, i wont be able to look at a canoe and not remember your story :)
happy NFF :)
I would have cracked up before he surfaced, so you are doing good! :)
Funny! Always love getting a laugh at my hubby's expense!
I love that my husband makes me laugh! It's one of the things that I absolutly love.
I just found you from Never Growing Old's Over 40 Blog Hop. I'm enjoying visiting your blog.
LOL! wow--- visiting (and now following) from Friday follow!
My hubby would have sunk to the bottom, he can't swim a stroke. But I would have laughed too.
hey there, thanks so much for visiting me and following.... i'm following you back. thanks for inviting me.. but i doubt i can enter for the giveaways...:) i live in India!!
SO nice to meet you. Sorry it took me so long to return a visit.
Have a great weekend!
What a darling story! The things they do to impress us chicks!!! So cute! I am loving your blog and all that you have to say!! I am a new follower and would love for you to come over and visit my website for women over 40, Midchix.com.
We have a flock specifically for midchix with little chix! In fact that's the name of the flock! DA!!
So come over and hang with us over 40 chix!
Leaving you now to explore more here!
So suave! Great that you could laugh at him without him getting sore. Laughing at ourselves is really the only way through.
my computer has been down so just got back to blogging. cute story about your husband. my husband can't swim' he goes into the ocean with little brains. he now has me as a lifeguard and a very large tube around his stomach, looks like a duck. have a good day.
Poor guy! Aren't they adorable when they do something klutzy like that? I love it! And I totally understand snickering forever when you look at that canoe!
Your blog always makes me laugh. Stop by my blog to pick up an award.
All the best,
That was Hilarious! You gotta love a man that can make you laugh all the time. It's funny how these guys try to look cool and end up cracking us up!
but you did save his wallet?
That is so funny! But I have admit it would have been me falling in the water and my husband in the boat!
LOL Makes him loveable right? My hubby is "bumbling" at times too, as I tell him, but I say it makes him charming, loveable and human. (and gives me lots of laughs hehehe!) Does he know you post about his antics? lol. Bet he loves you for it. He's a regular celebrity! heheh!
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