Now on to a little story about hubby,
I know a lot of you gals have stories that prove what a klutz you married. I mean, come on now, I've gone out with enough guys to know that my hubby isn't the only one out here.
Thought you guys might get a chuckle and want to share a few of your own stories about the antics our hubby's get up to. Let's just say that mine could start his own blog.
The first story I'm gonna share happened while we were at the cottage. This cottage is all open except for a staircase that goes up to a small loft where the bedrooms are. When you come in the front door, you can see the entire first floor and right through to the sliding glass doors that open to the deck out back. (sorry for the boring details, just trying to set the scene.)
So hubby is outside working around the front of the cottage and I decide, hey, it's the cottage, I'm going to take a nap (this was before we had our daughter so it was just the two of us). I opened the sliding glass door on the back to catch the nice cool breeze while leaving the screen door closed to keep the bugs out. I then climbed the steps to the loft and curled up on the bed that overlooks the sliding glass doors out back.
I'm fast asleep when all of a sudden I hear "Son of a bitch!". Of course, all wives who hear those words know they had better snap out of their sleep in a hurry and see what the hell their husband has done or broken.
I lifted my head up off the pillow, looked down to the first floor where I saw my husband standing in front of the open sliding glass doors. I probably shouldn't have but the words are out of my mouth before I can stop them "What's the matter?" I called down. He turns around and says "I just walked right through the f#$%ing screen door!"
Of course, I started laughing hysterically and then as many a hubby has done, he say's "Hey, it's YOUR fault, I thought you were out in the back yard!"
Got a Hubby's a Klutz Story? Then don't keep it to yourself, share it with us!

Unfortunately, all my klutzy stories are about me!
Of course it's YOUR fault....
Klutzy story would mean I'd have to tell on myself, but I usually blame hubby for it ;)
lmbo umm yeah don't ya love the blame shifting it's your fault cause HE thought... wll hello stop thinking and then we won't have these issues lol
LOL!! I somehow have this picture of the screen door with a gaping hole in the shape of your husband...
i love how when something like that happens, it's YOUR fault!
Of course, it was your fault, and when your daughter gets a bit older, her goofs will be your fault, too.
I wish I had a single klutzy story about my husband. Wait, I do. He once put his foot through the ceiling (from the attic down into an entryway) while trying to look at something. That meant that one look cost us an entire week-end of repairs. It didn't dawn on me until later that he could have been hurt. I'm still okay with the fact that I couldn't stop laughing when his foot and leg came through.
In my daughter's room the ceiling levele directly near her door is lower due to the air conditioning vent by about a foot. Then as you enter her room it opens up. My husband was holding my daughter (who wasn't more than a year old at the time) and decided it would be fun to toss her up in the air. He did this, not paying attention, near her door, and her head hit the ceiling. I was mad and amused at the same time. Fortunately Addyson wasn't hurt at all. She cried of course, but didn't even have a bump.
That is hysterical!! My hubby is not a klutz, but he is a doufus!
Most of the klutzing around our house I take care of. Nick is pretty steady on his feet, around the house. Away from the house, he's the one who get hurt more by not paying attention to what he is doing, or doing stupid things.
Thats funny, typical man, cant take responsibility for his own mistakes! haha, I have plenty of those stories, I dont know that they are as funny as this though!
Similar story, except I was the one walking into doors.
I would be the klutz here.. sighs.
But that would have been my fault too lol. Its called look where you are going.
OMG, that is classic!!! Hysterical!!
My hubby is not so much of a klutz as he is forgetful. He wouldn't remember his penis if it weren't attached to him.
I'm the klutz around here and I actually RAN through a screen door when I was about 8 years old. My parents were not happy.
I've read through some of your posts and there are some really funny things in here. I'm going to follow your journey and see where this goes.
I love and respect my hubby but I think technically, he KNOWS who the smarter one is in our marriage. I just also happen to be the loud and clumsy one, so were about even in "dumb moments."
Klutz stories? Oh God, where do I START? Okay, the latest one - Hubby decides to save a few bucks by doing a minor car repair himself. He takes the car outside, since it's a nice day and the light is better. He's underneath the car and can't see well with his bifocals, so he takes them off and (mistake number 1) sets them down in the GRAVEL driveway. Then, when he comes out from underneath the car and stands, he (mistake number 2) STEPS on them, grinding them into the pavement and completely shattering one lens. Then, the idiot...uh...klutz decides to (mistake number 3) TRY THEM ON ANYWAY, to see just how bad they really are!!!! Tiny shards of glass get into one eye.
Emergency room visit and follow up with eye doctor: $130 (good insurance)
New glasses: $478
Car repair, after all: $95
Hehe..hilarious! and sounds very familiar:)
Most of all the klutz stories are mine, but here's one of the hubby:
The kitchen faucet has issues and hubby says he has a quick fix. I let him do his work without interference.
I suddenly hear water spraying and hubby cussing and then the inevetable yelling for me to help. I tell him..Heck, I could have made a mess like that! You were suposed to fix it, not break it! Mr. big macho man!
Hee Hee Hee Hee!! It's always your fault!
My husband is the guy who can't get through the door frame safely so I can appreciate the klutziness!
hahahaha. its always someone else's fault, thats so funny.
No husband yet.... but my boyfriends kinda a kultz! or is that me??
Mine is not a klutz but he is not handy either, nor am I. He USED to be super handy and non-klutzlike until he broke his neck 20 years ago (doing a Yoga head stand of all things) and now he no longer has full range of motion, cannot turn his head from side to side. Great excuse!!! Therefore, now I must hire guys (and Gals!) to do stuff my non-klutz cannot. I had an All-Woman Team completely redo the entire downstairs of my house and they did a wonderful job!
My hubs is not too clumsy, but it would DEFINITELY be my fault if he was :)
my uncle tried to walk through the sliding glass door at my parent's house once. he was so embarrassed.
luckily, neither the husband nor I are very klutzy...let's hope it's hereditary and the kids aren't either...
I'm not allowed to share :P ahhaha heheeheh
I love how somehow, it's always our fault?!
That's a good one...I don't have a story but I'm sure I will.
much love
That was so funny!!! I am never at fault...I always blame someone else...I have a funny story but am to tired to write it maybe tomorrow.
As much as I want to laugh...I won't...because that sounds like something I would do!
Ward tends to miss a step or two when going up and down in the stairs in the house. Fortunately we only have 7 steps on both flights.
And I have seen him do other silly shit but I really have no room to talk. My nickname was "Grace" growing up and it was said with as much sarcasm as anyone can muster!
Sadly, I am the clutz
Both my kids inherited their Dad's klutziness (I of course had nothing to do with it). I think its the only reason I keep our sliding glass door clean! Cracks me up every time!
lol, too funny. My Hubby was changing the oil in the car once and didn't get out of the way apparently, what a mess.
I'm the klutz around here. Sad.
My husband is not a "do-it-your-selfer." But when he retired from the Navy, and we knew we'd stay in our house for a number of years, I finally started decorating it. For the first six years there was always the chance we'd have to move.
Anwyay, he did some "do-it-yourself" tasks around the house and every single one of them ended in injuring himself. The last injury caused blood gushing out of his head (which I don't do, so I sat on the bed outside the bathroom as he took care of his injury).
After I was sure that I wasn't driving him to the hospital I got the giggles. I couldn't stop. As he's holding a blood soak rag against his head, I'm laughing so hard I can't talk. Finally, I said, "I'm sorry. It's not funny. But it has occurred to me that you are probably down with helping out around the house."
LOL!! This is so funny I was laughing my arse off over here!
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