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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Bedtime and Baby Games

Getting our 3 1/2 year old to bed was a nightmare until my husband and I stumbled upon a game that we now play only at bedtime that has her running up the stairs and jumping into bed while laughing hysterically.

It all started one evening as I was carrying her off to bed. For a change, her father decided that he was going to be the one to take her up but when he came towards us, I pretended that I wanted to keep her all to myself.  With me running away while carrying her and him hot on our heels grabbing for her, we raced up the stairs while she squealed and giggled all the way.

Once upstairs, she scrambled to get under the covers and away from her father.  A few minutes later, he said his "good nights" and left while I stayed behind to tell her a story and settle her down. After about half an hour, she was fast asleep and I was able to slip out of her room.

At the time, I remember thinking that this was the easiest bedtime I could remember.  We would definitely be trying this again.

Right on cue the next evening, as I scooped her up to take her to bed my husband jumped from his chair and came toward us. Just like before, she started to giggle and couldn't wait for the chase. Up the stairs we ran together where she jumped right into her bed and snuggled up under the blankets.

Six months later and she still loves this bedtime game so much, she is the one who wants to play it most nights. Okay, so I'm behind on potty training but at least I have bedtime figured out.

And yes, I know that our days of getting away with this are numbered but in the meantime, I can't help but wonder what the neighbors are thinking when they see us running by the windows every night yelling "My baby!"

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Lee said...

So, When she's 16, she might get a bit heavy to scoop up...hope it doesn't backfire then. ;)

Unknown said...

my boys and I do this all the time just not at bedtime. My youngest will pile up in one of our laps hollering I am mommy/daddy baby leading to a tug of war for him usually one of the other boys will pile up on me and go yeh well she is MY mommy or daddy depending on which paretn Devin has chosen to claim lol.. it is fun and a great feeling, especially when they get older and don't want mom's attenion so often

Anonymous said...

cracked me up...the neighbors hearing you guys scream "my baby!"..."no, my baby!" every night at 9:00 p.m. they're probably clicking their tongues and shaking their heads! hahaha! i got a visual on that one!

Martha said...

When Tara was little, bed time for her meant me laying down with her.. I would always fall asleep too!! I loved laying down with her, but hated when I would fall asleep and then be wide awake at 11pm!

The Four Week Vegan said...

YAY - always great to find something that works at bedtime. I hope it keeps working for a long time.

yonca said...

Great idea!Hope it works for a long time.Don't worry about the neighbors. Don't they have kids? Hehe..
Aria was boring to sit at the dinner table and after a few bites he was asking 'can i go?'
So I figured out a way to keep him longer and finish his dinner(atleast to eat more). We started to tell stories while eating.At the begining it was OK. But then every evening making up a story he would enjoy... became..ugh! Also he started to talk to much instead eating. After a while daddy started to tell about his day like a story:) We are not doing this anymore. But sometimes he remembers and asks'mommy can we tell a story?'

Caution/Lisa said...

What fun you all must have each night! Doesn't it feel great laugh at bedtime?

glitterbygrammie said...

Laughing anytime is great for the heart and soul.

ethelmaepotter! said...

Great story! And what an inventive bedtime tradition; be sure to let us know when it no longer works for you.

Samantha said...

That's why I don't have Bree in a toddler bed yet. She's two years old, and probably ready for one, but I know that this would increase the hardness of bedtime even more. She's already pretty difficult to put down.

You should film this escapade one night, and post it for us to see. We could all use a good laugh :)

Ina in Alaska said...

Oh what a sweet story! So comforting for your little girl. xoxo

Annie said...

I am so glad you have FUN with bedtime. That is what we do too - have fun that is! I hate the screaming "you must obey me NOW!" ugh. Giggles are def the way to go!
And don't worry about the potty training LOL She'll get it. These are precious times, embrace them and hold them close to your heart!

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Oh, that is so sweet; enjoy every second! But don't worry, you'll have something new and fun that you come up with when this one runs its course. She sounds like a honey-bunny!

Dreamfarm Girl said...

You all are so smart! I wish I had been so clever. My daughter hated bedtime and it was a struggle for a long time. (But my son loved it and would always tell me, from a very early age, I'm ready to go to bed now!).

Anonymous said...

Great idea! We had bedtime troubles a came up with little games somewhat like that but they are too big for me to swoop up anymore. . . They grow too fast, enjoy it while you can.

MaryRC said...

the lengths you go to to get them to bed. what a cute visual tho. i remember rocking my first for an entire album length. he wouldn't fall asleep til it was over you'd think i would have rerecorded it to play only 3 songs instead of 12. neither of my kids potty trained til after 3. i think we started trying too soon with zach and then it was all power struggles with him. it finally had to get nasty and mom won dammit. the second one, i just waited til after 3, didnt even bother. 3 days and she had it down.

Unknown said...

that sounds so sweet!what a memorable thing for her to carry with her for years to come!

Theta Mom said...

Whatever works, that's what I say!!!

gayle said...

Great idea!!! I will pass this on to my daughter (momma of my darling 3 year old grandson). Don't feel bad about the potty training...he is with the help of 2 day care teachers but he is still in a crib!! Sounds like you are doing Great!!

JennyMac said...

How adorable! I love night time rituals and yours is darling. :) I hope it lasts.

The Mommyologist said...

That is just too cute! They are only little once and you might as well have fun with the bedtime routine...and I'm always a huge fan of doing whatever works!

Anonymous said...

That is so cute.

G said...

6 months wow! I thought you'd get like a week out of that. Keep it up.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Whatever works right?

AiringMyLaundry said...

Aww, how sweet.

We're still working on potty training too.

Liz Mays said...

She will never, ever forget that special game! You're giving her such wonderful memories.

Matty said...

You've stumbled upon a great idea. When my kids were little, a promise to read to them in bed always did the trick.

As a keepsake, sometimes you should try recording the chase on video. You'll all appreciate it years from now.

Mama-Face said...

I hope giving away your secret doesn't jinx your routine-- Just sayin'. :-) Actually as I read this I couldn't help but smile. So sweet.

Dee at Pedestrian Palate said...

That's a nice little tradition.

Anita said...

If only there was a hidden camera in your home, and we (your blogging friends) could SEE this nightly routine. Two "mature" parents squealing and chasing the little princess. I love it!

Respectfully Yours said...

I think mom and dad enjoy this game too. Sounds like lots of fun.

Janie B said...

Very good idea! Hope it keeps working for a long time. said...

Those bedtime rituals are the best! I'm glad that she hasn't figured out that this was all a set up for her to go to sleep without the tears.

Baby Boo used to cry at bedtime (still does sometimes) but I turn on Disney Lullaby and then read her two stories while I lay in her toddler bed. (I pray that I don't break it one day!) After that, she can re-read the books and within five minutes, she's sound asleep. It works like a charm.

Helene said...

That is SO sweet that you have such a fun bedtime routine!! I'll bet she'll have happy memories of this all the way through adulthood until she has her own kids someday!

Natalie said...

Your neighbours probably think you are wonderful! We do similar 'nutty but fun' things too! it really does make wonderful memories. :D

Tamara said...

lol I'm just picturing you guys running and screaming "My Baby!!" in front of the windows. lol

I think it's great...she not only goes to bed happy and smiling but she gets great attention from you and dad together. :)

This was cute, thanks for the smile this morning.

Buckeroomama said...

These bedtime rituals are really special and I'm pretty sure that it's something that she'll look back on with fond memories. How cool would that be if she uses the same bedtime ritual with her kids someday? :)

(Love your new look!)

Anita said...

Okay Deb, it's time for me to jump on the band wagon too, and pretty up the blog.
Love it!
(Any advice?)

Psych Major said...

THank you, thank you, thank you for this awesome idea! I have been trying for months to think of a way to get my boy to sleep in his room, in his bed and not on the living room floor in a sleeping like camping what can I say?? I will try this tonight and fingers crossed it works! :)

Lissaloo said...

lol, I bet the neighbors have started to catch on :)

Corrie Howe said...

Hey, what ever works! That's how I usually discover things which accident.

Tracie said...

Like many others, I do whatever works at bedtime. As long as I can get them to sleep.

Annie Z said...

That is fantastic!

Larry said...

What a fun way to get baby to sleep! From Baby Bedtime Center, I learned the importance of sleep for babies ( You may have just established the most fun bedtime routine --- and hey, if it promotes better sleep? Why not? Thanks for sharing!