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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Almost Wordless Wednesday

Anyone who reads my blog on a regular basis knows by now that I have far too much mouth to ever be "wordless" (let's just blame it on the menopause).  Just the same, thought it would be neat to share a photo with as few words as I can manage.

The other morning, it was so gorgeous outside, I grabbed my camera and took a photo of how lovely the white caps were on the water.  This is looking straight out from our front porch, I love to sit out here in the warm weather and drink my coffee just taking in this incredible view.

When I feel like going for a walk, there is a wooden boardwalk that goes along the harbor just across the street and the park shown.  Perfect place to be on a warm Summer evening although that seems like a long way off now with the onset of Fall.


Tracie said...

It must be very soothing to be able to look out at the water. You are very lucky!

Unknown said...

HI there hopped over from hormones and hot flashes... that is a beautiful view you have.. I could so live there lol...

Anonymous said...

oh, i bet that's WONDERFUL in the summertime...

honeypiehorse said...

I need a better place to drink coffee. Our porch is dumb.

The Four Week Vegan said...

That is beautiful. I wish my morning walk was around such a pretty sight.

Liz Mays said...

It sounds wonderful! I would so love strolling along there. I'll bet when it snows it will be gorgeous too.

Unknown said...

wow---what a view to have! Lucky gal!

I can never be wordless on Wednesdays, either. My post isn't up yet, but for sure it will have a paragraph or two with it!

bookbabie said...

Nice view! I have a hard time being wordless too;)

Sarafree said...

Looks gorgeous! I love trees!

Anonymous said...

what a lovely view! i'm a bit jealous.

Lissaloo said...

That is a gorgeous view!
Lucky Girl :)
I popped over from the Queen Lee's blog to say Hi!
Have a great Wednesday! :)

Lee said...

You are so lucky!! I want that view!!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Gorgeous view....I'd live on your front porch!

KaLynn ("MiMi") said...

OH WOW! How totally awesome! You are one lucky gal! said...

That's an awesome view! I'd love to unwind at the end of a long day with that in sight!

Iva Messy said...

over from hormones and hot flashes!! that's a pretty view!

Anonymous said...

Found you through Lee the hotflash queen! That is a beautiful view.


that is indeed a great view

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

Visiting your blog from hot flash queen!! :) enjoyed it.

June said...

What a beautiful view. Is it summer yet?

Stacey J. Warner said...

wonderful! It almost looks like Greenlake in Washington.

much love

AiringMyLaundry said...

Wow, very nice!

Kitty Moore said...

It looks beautiful (the cars spoil it somewhat though)

gayle said...

What a beautiful view you have!!

raquel roysdon said...

Ok your view is breathtaking. You get to see this everyday? I hope you realize how lucky you are. I share my view soon.

JennyMac said...

LOVE the it!!!!!!

yonca said...

Beautiful view!!! said...

I can't help it...I WANT that view. Is there a house next door for rent?

Stacy Uncorked said...

You have an AMAZING view - and the whole wooden boardwalk that goes along the harbor sounds like you live in paradise! :)

2Wired2Tired said...

That is an incredible view! You are very lucky to have a boardwalk right outside your door. That's my dream to live near the water someday. I grew up near it and never realized how lucky I was.

Sarah at The Stroller Ballet said...

What a nice view! I have a hard time keeping things wordless, too :).

Buckeroomama said...

Don't worry about the "wordless" bit... I always just say WW. My first W is actually "Wordful"!

How lovely to live just across a park. We live by the water, but no big expanse of grassy land for the children to romp and play... :(

The Mommyologist said...

You are so lucky to be able to see water from your front porch!

The Mommyologist said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Corrie Howe said...

I love this view. I've thought about taking pictures of what I view from my front and back porch....all trees.

2sunset said...

Holy smokes! What a lot of followers you have - excellent support for mommy-stuff and hotflash-stuff!

Congrats on becoming a mommy, I started late too...Its NOT to be missed, is it? Such a love-blessing within our relatively short time on earth.

Connie K said...

What a great view im so jealous :) Lucky Lady enjoy !

Helene said...

Wow, what an incredible view! I can easily see why it's relaxing to sit out there, sipping coffee!

HeartsMakeFamilies said...

I want that view every morning! Wow that must be so great.

Bev said...

Great view Deb, but can't remember you ever being wordless....


Deb, I love the water too... When it is warm outside we stay gone in our boat. Wow, I miss summer already. Thanks for sharing. Audrey

Holly Lefevre said...

I have seen you commenting in so many places and have been so busy catching up that I have not ben "exploring" at all. But the Queen told me to come over, so here I am.

Beautiful photo...what a great view to wake up to.

Holly @ 504 Main

Menopausal New Mom said...

Holy Crap you guys!! 43 of you left a comment today, that's almost a record!

Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing the view with me. I agree though, the cars do stand out but considering I live less than 5 minutes from the center of town, it's not bad! Not only that, the folks around here need a place to park so they can enjoy that fabulous boardwalk! I mean, come on, too pretty for just us locals, we gotta share!

And thanks to Lee the Hot Flash Queen for asking many of you to come over for a visit. Hope you check back to see what's new!

Stephanie said...

So beautiful! How lucky:)

Heather said...

How lucky you are! I've always wanted a place to sit outside to drink in the view and my coffee. My view is the nieghbors trailer! LOL

Annie Z said...

What a beautiful location you have!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I bet a walk along there is just heavenly. We have a sidewalk along the bay that is just lovely to stroll along!