I'm one of those people who can usually recall dreams. Not always and not all of them, but more than a lot of people I know. One dream in particular stands out. It was while a very dear friend was terminally ill.
"J" was a very close friend who I had worked for from 1988 to 2002. He had a great deal of influence on me during that time and we had a strong bond, almost like father/daughter. I was living more then 3 hours from my folks at the time and "J" was like having a parent away from home.
When "J" become ill, I was devastated. I knew he was terminal so I took the time to send him a card with a very personal message while he was still able to comprehend the words. I later heard from a mutual friend "J" had been very touched and moved by the card. I had also been told by that mutual friend "J" had about 6 months left.
Fast forward 2 months and I'm at home 4 hours away from "J". I was walking in front of our fireplace when I noticed a very strong scent of Old Spice. It was just me and my daughter at home and for the record, my husband doesn't wear any cologne or scented products. This was very strange and so strong, I acknowledged it out loud.
Later that same night, I dreamed our mutual friend telephoned to tell me "J" had passed away. It was one of those dreams that is very clear when you wake up the next morning.
I was on pins and needles all the next morning waiting for that dreaded phone call.........and it came at 10:00 am. Just as in the dream, I was told "J" had passed away the previous day.
That's when it hit me, the Old Spice I had noted the day before was the same cologne "J" used to wear at work!
Premonition or coincidence???? You tell me.

premonition, definitely! My Mom has "feelings" like she just feels something( a pain, smells something odd, feels weighted) she can always sense when things are going to "change" not always bad.
Some things you just cant explain.
Dreams are a funny thing no doubt. Mine always seem to predict changes for me, good & bad...but mostly bad. I can re-call dreams that I had years ago, Paul hardly remembers any of the dreams he has.
Wow, I'd say premonition! (and I'm sorry for the loss of your friend)
I'd say premonition too! I think I would have freaked out a bit with the smell of the cologne.
So sorry you had to lose such a great friend! :(
Talk to you soon girl! :)
Premonition, I believe. I believe that God speaks to us in ways that we may not always understand but he does. Maybe this was a way to prepare your heart for losing J and having to say goodbye.
I'm thinking you had a small goodbye visit...
PREMONITION!!! I have a very long detailed story of when my brother died, and also a childhood friend... I also smell cigarette smoke in my house sometimes since my father passed away (he was a heavy smoker).
You knew your friend's time was drawing near. You were anticipating the call and knew it was coming. His colonge was very familiar to you so you happened to remember it as you thought of him. If you hadn't known he was going to die then I would say it was a premonition. But you were preparing yourself for this man's death. He meant a lot to you. I believe that people do get them. When my father was murdered my mother felt something bad had happened. She felt she had to get home in a hurry to be with her four children. When she got home the police where that to tell her husband was shot and killed. That's a premonition in my opinion.
I'd say you had a visitation x2. Nice that he came to say goodbye to you.
Premonition!!! I have heard a lot about people smelling things when someone has passed away!
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