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Friday, November 4, 2011

Aloha Friday - Do You Check Out YouTube?

Aloha Fridays are brought to you by Kailani in beautiful Hawaii at An Island Life where Friday is the day to take it easy while anticipating the coming weekend. Today I'm going to link up, take it easy and ask a question.

I'm probably one of the last people on earth to see this heart-warming video that has been all over YouTube and the talk-show circuit. Make sure your sound is on if you haven't seen it (Oh, and you might want to grab a tissue)!

So this week's question,   Do you check out YouTube on a regular basis??  Obviously I don't to have missed this story.  
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Simply Suthern said...

Nope you weren't the last.

Anonymous said...

I watch a lot of you tube videos but I don't necessarily keep up on new ones all the time. Missed this one myself.

Tammy said...

I did see that one quite awhile ago and loved it...amazing how animals can remember like that! :) Happy Friday girlfriend. :)

Debbie said...

I hardly ever go to that site.

Stacy Uncorked said...

I do visit on a regular basis - it's amazing what kinds of videos you can find on YouTube! :) Princess Nagger has recently discovered them, too - and figured out how to access YouTube through our Wii so she can watch the videos on a big screen. ;)

Smelly Laundry

Colette S said...

I actually only go to youtube if I"m looking for something specific.


Unknown said...

I have teenagers so they are always showing me things on youtube. My 15 year old daughter, especially, is constantly showing me music videos of all her "hot guy" crushes, LOL! I occasionally visit on my own if I'm looking for something in particular.

Happy Friday!

MMAR said...

I do not... if someone sends me something then I watch it but very rarely do I go and look something up : )

I am Harriet said...

Really only when I'm referred by something on TV or a blog.

Have a great weekend.

OLLIE MCKAY'S ~ A Chic Boutique said...

No! But if someone posts a good link on FB or my Blog for a cool video on YouTube ~ then I def watch them! Happy Aloha Friday to everyone!

Anonymous said...

Amazing! Tissue pleeze...

Kailani said...

I'm hardly ever on You Tube unless I have to be. There are so many videos on there that it's pretty amazing when one goes viral.

An Island Life