I wondered which story to start with since there have been so many strange things. But the one that comes to mind right now happened while I was left home on my own for the weekend. I must have been around 16 or 17 at the time and I remember being thrilled to have the entire house to myself....or so I thought.
I was in the basement that Saturday afternoon just hanging out by myself when I heard a loud noise upstairs. I raced up the stairs to see what was wrong and didn't notice anything out of place in the kitchen. I looked around into the living/dining area and didn't see anything noticeable there either. I looked down the narrow hallway of our bungalow and slowly walked toward the other end of the house.
Nothing unusual in the bathroom to my right, the office on the left looked normal, my room on the right looked okay but when I reached our parents room, I stopped in my tracks.
There on the night table beside their bed I could see the lamp laying on its side with the pretty doily under it twisted and hanging down the front of the drawers. I slowly walked into the room and saw that nothing else looked out the place. I pulled back the curtains to shut the window and that's when I saw it was ALREADY CLOSED!!
There was no draft, no open window and no air circulation to account for the toppled lamp or the noise and I knew the lamp had not been like that earlier. But what was most strange about the lamp was that it had not fallen off the table. It was laying as if it had been lifted up and placed on its side. If it had been knocked in any direction, it would have fallen to the floor, not placed diagonally across the small table top.
So ask me if I was scared sleeping in that house alone later that night. Oh yeah and every night since!
to be continued........

Creeeepy! Do weird things like that still happen around you?
Creepiness, but I know what you mean...I saw stuff when I was a kid too...but I mostly saw the 'ghosts' or whatever they were.
Anything can be explained. But the explanation might be that a ghost knocked it over. LOL.
Actually I dont do creepy well.
Thats creepy!! I would have been freaked out as well..over active imagination here :-)
Linking up through the blog hop
Jayda from @two children and a migraine!
I would be scared too! Thanks for linking up at Thrifty Peach Blog Hop!
I wouldn't blame you for being scared to sleep in the house! I once had an experience that kept me from getting online to do work late at night.
Do you still experience the paranormal? I have in a long time but I did kinda cleanse the house a few years ago.
New follower from a blog hop. Great post. Sounds like it could be for a movie! My posts aren't as interesting, but feel free to stop by!
That is the freakiest thing! I've heard these stories, but thank goodness have never experienced myself. It's fascinating though.
Very strange. Can't wait to hear more!
Great Blog, new follower from the hop. I hope you can stop by and check me out!
New follower from the blog hop :) I would have to say you're in good company. My parents' house growing up had some seriously strange things too and I was scared to be alone there too! When my dad moved out and it was still 3 weeks til my wedding (so I was staying solo), I slept with my dresser pushed across the door. LOL!
Sounds like something that would happen in my buddy's house...there are some weird things going on in his casa. No. Thank. You.
At the moment, while my home is being remodeled, Im living in the house my father in law passed away in. I hear things falling and loud noises daily. I never find anything that has fallen or to explain the noises. For some reason however, Ive never been scared or afraid here.
Maybe it's you! Lots of changes happen during puberty such as a new allergy developing, maybe you developed some medium powers!
I would have been scared too!
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