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Friday, September 30, 2011

Aloha Friday - What's Your Luxury?

Aloha Fridays are brought to you by Kailani in beautiful Hawaii at An Island Life where Friday is the day to take it easy while anticipating the coming weekend. Today I'm going to link up, take it easy and ask a question.

I'm not a shopaholic and no one can accuse me of wasting money or spending too much.  However, there are a few little luxuries I allow myself.  Let's just say my hubby isn't the type to surprise me with a bouquet of flowers.  It's not his "thing" and I don't take it personally.  He shows his appreciation in many ways and I don't feel at all hard done by.  So to make us both happy, I keep a fresh bouquet of flowers on our table at all times.

I'm happy, he doesn't have to bother and best of all, I use HIS money when I buy them.  This is my little indulgence and I feel absolutely no guilt.

How about you have a favorite luxury for yourself?
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Tammy said...

My luxury is getting my hair done every 3 months. It is a treat to myself and when mom is happy everyone is happy! :)

Your home is beautiful Deb! :)

Auntie E said...

Well I like to buy things for the home. I recently bought a new bedroom spread.

That's Life said...

New clothes once in a while. :)

Unknown said...

My husband is the same way - he doesn't surprise me with flowers or cards. But, he works his butt off to provide for us and make sure that I can stay home. I guess the thing I splurge most on for myself is books and magazines.

Catherine L. said...

Kitchen gadgets - My husband loves my cooking so it makes us both happy.

Colette S said...

I buy chocolates (Mauna loa with macdamia nuts) from target. It's only $4 but it's mine.

MMAR said...

I love AMAZON : ) It is my best friend LOL!! Books, entertainment, clothes... whatever I want!!

I am Harriet said...

You deserve that bouquet- go for it!

I've been pretty cheap over the past year or so. I am buying myself a new car though. I deserve it :)

Have a great day!

Smellyann said...

My splurges are always either Jafra ( or yarn purchases!

Kailani said...

Getting a pedi once a month. It's a great time to get some reading done.

An Island Life