Aloha Fridays are brought to you by Kailani in beautiful Hawaii at An Island Life where Friday is the day to take it easy while anticipating the coming weekend. Today I'm going to link up, take it easy and ask a question.
When I first started my blog, I kept the settings that were automatically pre-set and pretty much left them alone. One of the only ones I went in and adjusted was the "word verification" on comments.
And no, there wasn't a flood of spam messages. Not only that, comments are much easier for my readers to leave. I'm sure I have written many comments on other blogs and clicked on to the next one without realizing their word verification was on and my comment didn't go through.
So today I'm asking, do you have the "Word Verification" activated for comments on your blog? If so, why?

I dont but some folks I follow do.
I dont really mind but if I miss the spelling of the word I dont try again.
No I don't have it and I have never gotten spam. I could see where if you were getting a ton of them it comes in handy, but for most blogs I really don't see the need.
-Living Off Love and Coffee
I don't have it drives me crazy. I think in the beginning of my blogging journey, I did have it on and didn't know it.
Hi! I'm your newest follower from the blog hop. Please come join my blog:
Thanks! :-)
Nope, I don't. I do get the occasional spam comment, but mostly Typepad catches it before it reaches me. And when it gets through anyway, I just delete it. No big deal IMO. :)
I don't have it and really despise it. It takes such time and surely blogs have missed some of my comments before I realize my comment didn't go through.
Happy weekend
Definitely don't have it - it's just a pain for the readers, especially if their visiting from a mobile device. :)
Have a great weekend! :)
Fall Has Arrived!
UGH! That should be *they're...need more coffee! :)
I don't have the word verification turned on and only occasionally get spam comments. It doesn't really bother me when I comment on a blog that uses word verification. I never understood why people act like it's a huge blogging faux pas if someone wants to use word verification on their blog - it takes like 2 extra seconds so it's no big deal.
I don't because I personally can't stand doing them myself, so I would rather not put my readers through that...
Chantal @
I don't think I have it but I'm going to double-check anyway!
I use to use it, But found it crazy, I could never get the word right when visiting others . So i took it off. Now I just monitor it myself and delete the spam. I really do not get much.
I also use to have it on but found it to be annoying myself so I took it off : )
I don't really see the sense of it on Blogger since Google owns the server and tends to it. Wordpress is a different story since malware/bad links can mess up your server. Spam comments are a lot worse on wordpress as well.
Have a great Friday!
No for those very same reasons. It's a pain for anyone trying to leave comments. No spam gets through so I don't worry about it.
We don't have have it and never have. I think it's a pain, especially those that have the fancy font. Now what I really don't understand is why some blogs use word verification and moderate comments.
I don't either. I really don't like it when the words are wavy and hard to read.
I turned mine off from the get go and I truly dislike the fuzzy jumbled up ones that ya cannot read on the first try.
'Nuff said...Hehehehehe!!!
God bless and have yourself a fantastic fall weekend sweetie!!! :o)
You had me checking if I had word verification on! I'm still not sure :) I migrated my blog from blogspot to wordpress and have been afraid to touch the settings lest I don't know how to fix them :)
Stopping by from Hopalong Friday1
The Twerp and I
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