Aloha Fridays are brought to you by Kailani in beautiful Hawaii at An Island Life where Friday is the day to take it easy while anticipating the coming weekend. Today I'm going to link up, take it easy and ask a question.
One thing my parents instilled in me while growing up was the importance of voting. Once I was old enough, my mother would insist I make time offering to drive me or do whatever it took to make sure I cast my ballot.
"After all", she would say, "thousands of women worked tirelessly to change the laws so we could vote, and if you don't vote, you have no right to bitch about politics."
To this day, I have not missed a single opportunity to vote and have my voice, however insignificant, heard and be counted.
How about you? Do you take the time to vote??

Yes, I wouldn't miss my chance to vote for anything.
Yes. I vote each and every election.
I dont take time to vote, I make the time to vote. It's one of the core values of our Country.
Yes, I vote. It's a great thing for us to be involved in the governmental process and I feel it's important to take part.
I absolutely make time to vote. Can't let all our ancestors down, right? :)
Aloha: Motivational Friends
Definitely and I bring the kids too!
Yes, always! I'm excited because our oldest son is 18 so this will be his first year to vote.
Yes we make the time to Vote!!
Yes I do!
I missed voting in a local election twice. Honestly, the guilt was overwhelming so I may get to the ballot box at the last second, but I get there. Great post!
I found you from the Friday Blog Hop and am following.
Sure do.
Have a great Friday!
"Do you take the time to vote??"
Yeppers ... I always make sure to cast my vote, when given the opportunity ... and we also make it a family affair and all go together! ♥
Many thanks to the men & women who have gone before us to ensure that we have that right & opportunity! ♥
Have a GREAT day everyone,
*** Can't wait to see y'alls answer to our Aloha Friday question too >>>
In my country I didn't vote. I always wanted to , bu tit's a choice of vote or my life. I choose life.
Here in USA I got the chance to vote for the first time last year and I was so wow. It's an amazing feeling.
Yes I vote. Very important
Thanks for dropping by the TGIF Blog Hop!! I am your newest follower via GFC. I love your site. So cute!! Sorry if I already stopped by with a comment. I just want to make sure that I follow everyone that joined the TGIF Blog Hop.
I hope you can check me out and follow me too :o
Yes, I think it's very important for people to vote. I also make sure I take my girls with me so they can share in the process.
An Island Life
YES! And not only is it important to VOTE, it's important to stay "Up-to-date" on the issues! (There's a site called " that hi-lites Moms issues, etc.)
I will become a registered voter this year at the age of 28 =0/
I am a new follower!
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