It happened again the other day. I was walking around the house in an absolute daze, about 9:00 am, hadn't even had my first cup of coffee. The doorbell rings. Me thinking it was probably the postman with a parcel opened the door only to find staring back at me a reporter from our local TV station..... AGAIN!
Without missing a beat he goes into his well-rehearsed speech about the green space and harbor across the street from our house. When he's finished letting me in on the latest "scoop", he wants to know if I'll go on camera and give my opinion.
The first thought that jumped into my head wasn't about the green space at all. It was whether or not this guy needed to get his eyes checked. Here I was with my messy bed-head hair tied back in a ponytail, not a stitch of make up on, crusty eyes and bare feet. I wasn't even dressed yet! I was standing there in a pair of faded black yoga pants that were hanging off my ass, I had on one of my husband's oversized t-shirts with no bra. Trust me, braless is not a pretty sight on any woman over the age of 40!
Me, who has an opinion on just about everything, told him what I thought about the park but that there was no way I was getting in front of a camera looking like something the cat hadn't only dragged in but tortured for hours. He looked at me with a completely straight face while telling me the biggest lie so far that day "I think you look just fine!"
"No way" I said "but if you want to come back around 12:30, I know my husband would love to tell you what he thinks and probably on camera"
Here's the proof.
Yes, you think I'd learn but turns out it really is hard to teach an old dog new tricks!

I thought it was just me! :-) I always tell myself that I should just get up & shower, put on some makeup because you never know....but I never do it. Luckily, I've never had a reporter show up at my door!
Oh! I tee hee'ed at this story! (I still am) I am glad hubby gave them the interview!
and *high fives* on women over 40 and NO bras.. LOL *shaking her head* Soo true!! So true!
I have sooo many excuses on why I can't shower first thing in the morning. On the rare occasion that I do shower first before coming down stairs, my life seems to run so much smoother, probably cause the crusties have been scrubbed away. I sooooo know what you mean!!
Maybe you should take down that
" I Have An Opinion On Everthing, Just Ask Me" sign in your yard.
On another front, I dont like reporters, Period. I have had my fill of them so I dont suffer them anymore. But in his defense, I bet you did look just fine.
My mother always told me to 'be presentable' whenever I'd be doing anything...even holed up in the house. 'You never know when someone will pop by!'
I've been wearing my mascara and lipstick even when mowing the lawn hoping that Johnny Depp will stop and need directions. Hasn't happened yet, but I'm not giving up hope.
(love the braless- you look fine!!!)
Ah, but if you were dressed and ready no one would show up. I remember another post when this happened to you.
Ohhh I'm so guilty of walking around all morning looking like a tornado struck me and left me dazed and confused....and invariably I'll have to answer the door for something...but thankfully it has never been reporters...usually Jahovas Witnesses or look at me and they retreat...quickly...
I bet you looked great, but I wouldn't have done it even if i looked my best.
Yeah, it's almost 10:30 right now and I just put on clothes... I'm waiting to brush my teeth until the coffee is gone... I'm pretty sure I'm safe from TV reporters, though.
OMG that is something that would happen to me.
I work from a home office. So I tend to not look so great. then before I know it it's 4p and I realize I better get a shower before husband is home!
Truth be told - if the UPS man ever saw me in something other than that damn red robe he'd think he was at the wrong house!!
haha, I love your description of what you were wearing ;-) too funny!
Never trust a man who tells you he thinks "you look just fine" when you KNOW that you do not. Lying bastards.
You know if you'd have done it that somebody would've recorded that bit of tv and tormented you with it forever. Good thing you're too smart for that!
The Jehovahs were at MY door early one morning last week - I rolled up to the door in my wheelchair wearing my nightshirt and no slippers; it took me a while and they watched me through the glass door. Looking pathetic worked to my advantage though, they didn't even ask to come inside this time.
I live in an isolated area and the house is shielded from the road by bush and trees. How do these religious pimps keep finding my house when my own sister-in-law cannot?
You ladies! I would have done it on the spot. But then again, my hair looks the same every day. LMAO
That reporter has that "on air" smile.
This is the second time this is happened. Just think of your big break that you're missing out on. I think you were destined for television! :)
that so sounds like something that would happen to me!!:) so glad someone did share their opinion on camera though!!:)
Clearly you looked divine if he wanted you on camera! And braless, well, come on, even better! The guy's no dummy!
I LOVE it! lol....glad to know I'm not the only one!
Following from Taras blog hop....would love to have you follow back!
I'm so glad I stopped by ! I'm your newest follower and will be stopping by often !
I'm totally with you... and I even leave the house in some strange states during the week to drive my hubby and kids where they need to go... if all I'm doing is coming home again...
thanks for stopping by Acting Balanced- i'm your new follower too!
I usually shower before the boys get up in the morning. The few times I haven't is when someone ends up knocking on my door. No reporters though - thank goodness!
Following you from Sunday Strolling... this story made me laugh because it is exactly how I am!! I work night so getting ready during the day is SO hard! Cute blog :)
This has happened to me before too, and I never agree to be on camera. only I'm usually still in my sweaty/stinky workout clothes with my hair plastered to my forehead. yum. lol!
I rarely get showered until sometime after the hubs gets home. I don't like the little one running around while I'm in the shower and I tend to use naptime for computer (blog reading) time! So, I would never be camera ready!
I remember one time several years ago, walking in the city. I was ahead of my husband in a crowd of people. A reported asked me if I wanted to speak on camera about a topic that I just KNEW my husband would have had a lot of opinions aobut. (I don't remember the subject now, but he's got a lot of stuff that he has lots of opinions about! LOL!) So, my response to the reporter was "Ask him" as I pointed over my shoulder! No camerals for me, thanks!
Oh, forgot to add it my comment above:
visiting and following you from Relax and Surf Sunday!
You had me at Menopause. LOL. I'm a 41 year old just starting out with Menopause. Oh the joys I'm in for. I wish I could wake up and it was all POST. I'm your new follower from Relax and Surf.
I understand!! My husband swears I stayed in my nightie all summer!! I hate getting dressed unless I have somewhere to go!
Us women are our own worst critics! I bet you did look just fine!
What is with all the publicity at your house? Are yall famous? Live in the historic district?
That WOULD have me up at the crack of dawn for full hair and makeup!
That's totally what would have happened to me. I always think I should shower immediately when I get up, but I just can't do it!
Seriously thought I was alone on this one!! Too funny!
I found you on Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop and I am now following you. Hope you can visit me too!
MOTHERHOOD and Busy Moms Who Love to Read
Thats some good stuff right there!!! haha...thats totally me too, so dont feel bad!
Hey there! what a cute blog! Just stopping by to follow you from the Monday Hops!Hope you have a great week!
I'm a new follower! Found you on Tuesday Tag-along!
Stopping by from Tag along Tuesday! We have a lot in common. I worked for 19 years, married at 39 and had my babbies at 40 1/2 and 42 1/2. You will understand that we count the half years when we are that old and pregnant! I am now a farm wife and would love to have you stop by a visit at
Have a great day. P.S. I am in the middle of a remodel, and the guys showed up about the time the bus left. I had to make a dash upstairs because as Meatloaf is singing to me, "I was barely dressed!" Dang! ;-)
Hi there! Im a new follower! Can't wait to read more!
It sounds just like something that would happen to me...I would have refused too:)
The morning after I gave birth to my third son, I was approached by a nurse asking me, if I wanted to be on camera....NO Thank You! I said politely...10 minutes later another person came to ask...same answer...a few minutes later...the hospital PR Rep...OK I'll do long as my boobs aren't showing...okay maybe not in those words.
So there I were the less than 24 hours giving birth with messy hair - my baby was born a star:)
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Oh, I'm caught in my morning's best all the time, and i follow the surprise with closing the door right back LOL
Tag, you're it ;)
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have a nice day!
...Haa...well you just get it from every angle...(just read other post..)..Id have done the same as you...I def need my alone time to put myself together...and besides those news show dont really airbrush or shoot at best angles...
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