I got out, went up to the meter and saw there was more than an hour left on it. Lucky us! So I noticed the meter for the car parked beside us had expired. Since I was standing there anyway with change in my hand, I put it in the expired meter and walked away.
I responded "Because his/her meter was out of money"
So he says "Well that's their problem, not yours. I wouldn't have done it."
I looked at him rather puzzled and said "Maybe it belongs to a mother who has kids with her and she's up to her neck dealing with them and didn't notice the time, maybe it's for someone who isn't feeling well and they haven't gotten back to it, maybe it's for someone who just doesn't give a crap. Whoever it is, I don't care. It gave me the chance to do a good deed."
His response surprised me. "It's NOT a good deed because they didn't see you do it."
And I said "It is so a good deed because I know I did it."
What do you think?
Is it a "good deed" when you do something for someone even though they never know you did it?

I think it's MORE of a good deed when it's done in secret. You did the right thing Deb and ask your hubby if he has forgotten the golden rule......"Do unto others,as you would have them do unto you". What a wonderful world this would be if there were more people like you......you were someone's angel for the day.
It was definately a good deed! Men are just grouches, lol. You don't have to flash good deeds around and be noticed to have them deemed good. A good deed is going out of your way to do something for someone, no matter if they know or not. Like, if I ever won the lottery, haha, I would donate money anonymously to places. My hubby would want his name all over that too. LOL. ::Kristin::
I agree with you and everyone else. The point of a good deed isn't to get recognition it's to make yourself feel like you did something good :)
Ditto to all the comments above.
I'm totally with you on this one! Feeling good that you did a good deed is "payment" enough without having the "recognition" or acknowledgement from the person for whom you did the good deed.
I would have done the same thing. It was the nice thing to do & I would really appreciate it if someone did it for me. Ask him if her's ever heard of 'Pay it Forward'!
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Love it!! New follower from the blog hop today.
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MEN! They can be pains in the neck!
Of course you did a good deed. I would be so grateful if someone had done that for me.
Ha you may want to buy the food for the person behind you at McDonald's the next time he is with you, then see what he has to say about good deeds!!!;)
It is always a better good deed when it is done un-noticed. There is a good chance that car owner won't even realize it. The biggest problem we have is people won't do good deeds unless they are noticed so they can get recognition or something back.
Imagine if everyone did the little(good) things un-noticed. What a better world it would be.
Kudos to you.
Wow, that's kind of like if no one hears a tree fall in the forest, does it make any noise? I would say it's a good deed. Because we all KNOW the trees make noise!! :) I've done the same thing. But I think you can get a ticket from those parking police if they catch you and it's not your car.
I agree I have done the same thing it's a small gesture that goes along way whether they see it or not.
good deeds are not for show, not for a pat on the back. A REAL good deed is done from a kind heart for someone you may not even know and where you don't need recognition. It just feels good to do it.
So sending money to a child to eat is not a good deed because they didn't see you do it? Giving money for food at the city mission isn't a good deed because the hungry didn't see you give?
You are right....but you knew that.
It's a good deed. They won't know who did it, but they will know that someone did. :)
Yeah, it was a good deed. That sounds just like my husband would say...men! haha. They just don't get it sometimes.
That was a good deed, no question about it! It doesn't have to be recognized for it to be a good deed.
You truly have a sweet soul and heart.
Good deed. and the bible tells you it is.. Jesus told his disciples to give heir offerings and alms in secret, when they fasted to not LOOK like they were fasting. For if they did those deeds in the fashion of the rabbis and did the good deed in full view o everyone they would get their reward in the form of pats on the back from people who saw. But when they did them in private without fanfare and later got blessed from God then that reward was far greater then anything man could give them, AND it would leave others wondering what you were doing in secret to deserve such blessings..
So tell hubby I said PLLFFBTTT
I agree with the first comment:
"I think it's MORE of a good deed when it's done in secret."
My husband would have said the same thing to me if I had done that.
Doing a good deed isn't about getting credit for it, that's my opinion. I think you did a good thing! :-) bless your heart!
I'm with you Deb. Nice move! The world needs more Debs!
I so agree with you. The anonymous act of kindness is what we all should do. Thanks for joining us on the Tuesday Train. I love the layout of the blog. Have a great week! The button can be found on my sidebar for next week.
Sounds like a conversation I would have with my husband but I'm totally with you. It was a wonderful deed and it doesn't matter if someone saw you. We can all do something like this so easily and it makes the world a better place.
If it makes you feel good for doing it, then it is a good deed. I would have done the same thing.
That was definitely a good deed! Whether the receiver is aware or not, a good gesture is a good gesture in my book! Thanks for the simple but great inspiration!
It IS a good deed. Maybe they realize and freak and then see that they still have plenty of time they may not have seen who did it or know who did it but they know who did and they will *hopefully* remember that sometime in the future and do a nice thing also!
Certainly a good deed. Someone was watching and taking note somewhere.....It's all karma, baby!
I am soo with you on that. I think it is awesome that you would even have thought to do that!
i think a deed is good when you do it, EVEN IF NO ONE SEES YOU DO IT. at the end of the day, we are not accountable to the people to whom we do the deed for; we are accountable to God :)
Let's make it unanimous! Good deed, indeed!
I think you were an angel to do that - most people would have just ignored it or not want to be bothered. And it could very well have been one of those circumstances you decribed, or similar.
I don't remember if I've ever done that, but I always look for someone in the parking lot who's emptying their cart, then I take it into the store for them. I've paid for the meals of other people at restaurants as I was paying for my own. I've left money in jars for needy and sick people, and contributed to funds for which I've never received recognition.
Remember the old scout motto - "Do a good deed daily!"
I'm with you! In my opinion, the greatest good deeds are the ones no one sees you do.
Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I am following you!!! I would love it if you could follow me back!
It's a good deed whether anyone knows it or not. I do this type of thing ALL the time. More people should...it would be a better world..right?
have a good one my friend,
I would love to give you a trophy if I had one to give. A mom at 45-wow! I think I'm going to be following in your foot steps because I am 33, I have a son who is 14 but my new guy of 11 years doesn't have any kids. Good luck!
I am following you from FMBT.
I think it's a good deed, whether it's done anonymously or not. I used to hate getting parking tickets because you were five minutes late getting back to the car.
I think it is a "better" good deed because no one saw you do it..isnt that the true test of altruism..
Maybe this will answer the question for you.
When I was a kid, my parents made me go to Sunday school, and bible school, and to church. So I have lots of "lessons" that I still remember.
I will paraphrase, but one of them straight out of the bible goes like this.....when you do a good deed for someone, don't let anyone know about it. Otherwise, you are just boasting.
I applaud you Deb.
It was most def a good deed!
Even more so because the person was not there to see it.
You got a free hour out of the meter where you had parked. So why not pay it forward??
Good for you!!!
The best part about a good deed is that you know you did it. It's like wearing pretty panties, no one knows but you but it still makes you feel all kinds of special!
It is Absolutely a Good Deed!!! I have done that myself... and I like to think that even if they didn't notice ... at least they were blessed by not receiving a ticket! =) blessing others is a wonderful!! if more folks thought about others... we would all get along a little happier in life... =) Blessings to you!!
stopping by from Tammy's Two Cents, though I think I have been here before... I am probably a follower... ha ha!! ;) I am forgetful that way!
#1. Apologies to your spouse but he's way wrong. Totally wrong. A good deed isn't done to be seen nor noticed. A good deed should be done, simply to do the good deed. I would have done the same. (My husband would likely have responded the same as yours!!)
#2. I'm your newest email subscriber from Mailbox Monday (a day late)
What your husband said is such a male thing!! I agree with you!
Even if they didn't see you do it, they will notice it when they get back to their car. And even if they don't notice it, your "good deed" just kept their car from getting towed or ticketed by a meter maid so at least their car will still be there when they get back to it.
Stopping by from Feeding Four's Friendly Wednesday!
It is a good deed because you know you did it. You feel GOOD about your DEED. You put the thoughts of others ahead of your own.
There's a popular movement of Random Acts of Kindess that helps make people's day.
Putting money in the meter is one, I like to pay for the person's order behind me in a drive thru every once in awhile. The interesting thing is that the person at the window always asks "Do you know them?" When I say no they look at me like I have three heads!
Hi I'm a new follower from Wobble Over.
It was most definately a good deed.
Life of This SAHM
Definitely MORE of a good deed because no one knew! Imagine if we all did something like that just once a week. I would be an epidemic of niceness!
I'm a new follower from Wobble Over Wednesday, I'd love it if you followed me back. :)
I am with you 100%!!! And then some. Plus, what about the fact that you lucked out and pulled up to a meter that had extra time. It was sort of like paying it forward. Karma baby. I don't think it matters whether the other person saw or not, you did it. That's what counts.
I am with you 100%!!! And then some. Plus, what about the fact that you lucked out and pulled up to a meter that had extra time. It was sort of like paying it forward. Karma baby. I don't think it matters whether the other person saw or not, you did it. That's what counts.
A true "good deed" is when no one knows you did the deed except for you. It surprises me that your hubs has that attitude. Did you smack him?
A very good deed, indeed!
Karma, it's all about karma
I'm a new follower from Wobble Over Wednesday, I'd love it if you followed me back. :)
Mr. Deb had on his cranky pants. We do it because it's a nice and easy thing to do and it makes us feel good.
Men can be as thick as posts even when they are smart.
I think it was a Very good deed you did. Be proud of yourself!!
Hi! I'm from FMBT, If you Haven't Already Please Follow Back
I think you are a very nice person. Not sure I would have done it - I feel ashamed to say.
Hi There
You have a blog award waiting for you here
It is most definitely a good deed, and it probably made someone's day, or at least made them wonder. It is the little things like that can make someone rethink all the crap they have going on in their life. I know, I have been there. You did a good thing.
It is soooo a Good Deed to do it more in secretly..For me, as a believer... I believe God will bless you much more!
You have a Kind Heart =)
It was most definately a GOOD DEED!!! In fact, I liked your good deed so much...that you are topping my Thoughtful Thursday list today. If you'd like to see my post...
If you like it, please become a follower...and check out the giveaways while you are there.
Have a wonderful day!! And keep up the "good deeds"
Have a truly blessed day! You certainly deserve it!!
Visiting from New Friend Friday. It's MORE of a good deed when they don't know you did it ... you blessed someone without needing or wanting any recognition. That's great!
I agree it's more of a good deed if you do not do it for the recognition.
Following from Friendship Friday.
Heck yeah it's a good deed! If you have to have recognition for it, then it's not a good deed, it's a selfish one. Just my opinion.
I agree with you! You did a good deed. If you're only doing it to get attention it's not a good deed.
I wanted to say thanks for participating in my blog hop - Friendly Wednesday! Hope to see you there next week!
God sees everything. You will get your reward in heaven.
Good deed. Keep it up. It's a part of who you are.
Now, on the other hand, why was hubby so upset about it? Hmmm...
Ps. Oh yeah, like some of the others said, it is biblical; not necessary to let people know when you're doing something for them - if they don't already know. I must admit I've been quilty of asking, "Did you get my card, my note, gift, etc." I try not to, but I've slipped here and there. But, it could be because if they didn't get it, I would want to get it for them again. Hmmm...
You actually just did a wonderful deed for another person that you didn't know. Perhaps your secret gesture helped the person tons. Doing something for others doesn't necessarily mean that other people need to know. Perhaps that person would also pass on the deed because you happened to be of great help to her that day.
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