That was last month.
Today I headed over there to pick up a few items and just like before, garbage was blowing everywhere, shopping carts full of paper and used coffee cups, plastic bottles rolling around and a newly emptied garbage can at the entrance with crap not only blowing around it but stuck under it.
It REALLY pissed me off.
The manager had promised me that his staff would be taking more responsibility in the cleaning and tidying up of the grounds and here it was looking like a damn garbage dump AGAIN!
Well, you can't argue with perfect timing. As I was standing there fuming at the mess, a middle-aged man came out of the store wearing a grey business suit and tie and sporting a name tag for the grocery store.
Well you know I just had to stop him!
I asked him if he was the manager hoping he was but couldn't believe my luck when he told me "No, I'm from Head Office, Is there something I can help you with today?"
"As a matter of fact there is. I am so disappointed in the state of this entrance and the parking lot, the garbage that is blowing around in YOUR yard, the rubbish in the carts that I am expected to put the food I feed my family in blah, blah, blah" oh and I just had to mention that their competition only a few blocks up the street keep their grounds as neat as a golf course. I asked him if he would please take a look himself before leaving.
He thanked me for my concern and headed out to his car.
Well, I was still in the first set of doors strapping my daughter into one of the only "rubbish free" shopping carts left when I see him come barreling back in through the doors.
I stopped him and said "I hope you are going to do something about the garbage. I've called the manager about it twice"
Looking none too pleased, he said, "I'm on my way back up to his office right now to address it!"
Fingers crossed this is the guy who can bring down the hammer!!!
I'll let you know because if he's not, I'm going back with my camera and their head office is getting photos!

I'd say you hit pay dirt when you saw the head guy. I bet they'll keep the place clean from now on. I wonder if they'll even put a picture of you on the wall saying, "Favorite shopper".
Good for you!!!
Taking photos is a great idea! I'm sure it works more than words lol.
Let's hope that the next time you go there, it'll be all cleaned up. It makes me doubly upset when they act all "sorry, this won't happen again" trying to placate an irate customer, yet the moment the customer is gone, so too is the concern over the complaint.
You go! Great timing, some devine intervention there.
PS (side note) My husband said if you keep commenting the way you did on Matty's blog, he is going to start blogging. LOL
I don't understand why people can't just be respectful and throw trash where it belongs. What is wrong with people. I can't stand it when people just dump their garbage out in parking lots and use the excuse "they pay someone to clean it up." UGHHHHHH! My momma taught me better than that!
You go girl!!!
Hopefully the message will get through to the them now!
Good for you! Don't back down.
Whoa! Somebody's in trouble! :)
Good for you!
People are lazy and drives me nuts that human beings find it so difficult to clean up after themselves! I'm betting the parking lot will be getting a lot more attention, and SOON!
Nice Work!
Ya know the corporate guy had to step over the trash to get into the store to start with. Was he blind or just didnt care? He obliviously didnt say anything the the store manager until you called him on it. We will see.
One Junky place breeds another junky place. Good for you to hold their feet to the fire.
I want you on my hockey team! Way to hit 'em below the belt. PS My official word of the day is: Rubbish. I like that word.
Talk about right place, right time!! You must keep us posted on this!
Good for you! I really do hope he took your concerns seriously and that you see changes in the cleanliness of the parking lot and the shopping carts!!
Oh is good to hit the jackpot! You lucked out this time. Let us all know if he lit a firecracker under the manager.
God bless ya and have a wonderful Wednesday!!!
I'm so glad you were a squeaky wheel on this one Deb. Hopefully somebody will take this seriously now!
You go, girl! Look at you---you are such an inspiration. And what luck that you ran into the head honcho there! WOOHOO!
GO GET EM!! I can't believe that place became a dump yet AGAIN after what happened before! I feel sorry for them if they continue this way. :)
Clearly they dont get it.
What a shame. I can only imagine what their home looks like.
You know what I say DEB? "Your fired" Just like the Donald Trump would say on the apprentice! No excuse for it, NONE! I love how you speak up, I am the same way when it really matters, and in this case it really does....OK I am off to go check out that post you mentioned.
Good for you. Sounds like you were there at just the right moment. I hope it makes a difference! I was drawn to your blog because of the name...since I am having my own personal summer....sigh!!!!
Unfortunately, like most things in life, it takes constant instructions, reminders, threats, etc. to get a good thing going...and staying.
Must have been "meant to be" when you unexpectedly met the head honcho.
I hope this second time will have some more impact...I'll stay tuned. :)
I love a woman who doesn't give up! You go!
Good for you! I'm so non-confrontational I probably wouldn't have said anything.
My grocery store is like this too and it just makes my skin crawl. My grocery store is in the hood, I half expect it to look like a dump. However I read a story about the mess that used to be NYC. I think it was Juliani who went on a campaign to literally clean up the city. Each night when the subway cars came in they scrubbed them down and painted over the graffiti that appeared each day. Every time they came across graffiti it was immediately cleaned up. Eventually the graffiti artists stopped spray painting all over the buildings and subway cars because it was too much work to keep re-doing it after it was cleaned up. Crime went down considerably simply because the city was clean.
That was fortuitous, wasn't it? He certainly got more than he bargained for when he asked if he could help you! Good for you...Deb the parking lot crusader :)
That was fortuitous, wasn't it? He certainly got more than he bargained for when he asked if he could help you! Good for you...Deb the parking lot crusader :)
Good for you!!
But Im kinda wondering - Didnt he notice all the garbage when he went in to the store??
Yeah for you!!! We all need to make our voices heard when it comes to unacceptable trash!
You're like a dog with a bone woman! You just don't give up! haha
I can't imagine being a manager in today's society. No one seems to have a sense or strong work ethic or pride in their job.
Well the head guy must have been blind if he didn't notice this with out it being POINTED OUT!Should have never been like this in the first place! I don't give trashy places my business, by not giving my business they disappear quickly because I am not the only one not giving them business. :)
I certainly hope they do something about it. If they don't, I'd go take my shopping somewhere else.
Good for you!! I would give them one week and then send photos to the home office!!
It is meant to be...good luck!
Good for you!
Pick up your shit people! Trust me, my kids have gotten a brain-duster or two on the rare ocassion I've seen them drop something. And while they're kneeling on the ground, rubbing the backs of their heads, they can just pick up some other people's trash too.
It's so sad that people don't care what their place looks like. Not just stores but even peoples houses.
So glad it might actually get cleaned up and stay clean.
What a stroke of luck bumping into him!! Good for you speaking out like that. I hope to read about a positive outcome soon!
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