One thing that used to bug the crap out of me was how my good stainless steel pots and pans would look after what I thought was a good cleaning. It didn't matter if I used dish soap and water, just water or ran them through our dishwasher, we've all seen this look.
I tried special targeted cleaning products to remove this "oil slick" but I was still not satisfied with the result and worried that the chemicals from those products would find their way into our next meal.
Can you believe the way this ordinary 1/2 lemon removed that residue? No muscle involved, just a quick wipe with the open half and the juice that dripped out of that completely "natural" lemon.
Here's how my old skillet looked after a quick rinse.
If it wasn't for the scratches, you would swear it was brand new and I can tell you, it's "squeaky clean" and "lemon fresh"!
This works better than any other method I've tried and is so simple it's embarrassing. I just keep that 1/2 lemon in a plastic container in my fridge so it doesn't end up in my next meal of fresh fish.
If you've got a scuzzy buildup in the bottom of your stainless pots and pans, try this. You'll be pleasantly surprised and not an "engineered" chemical in sight to contaminate your next meal!
By the way, you will find our cute little "Green Stamp of Approval" button over at Erin's of The Mother Load today where she is hosting another fabulous "Green" Giveaway so be sure to check it out! And Big Sis of Speaking of Witch is displaying our darling little button for a Green Post she did. Details are Here.
And if you have a favorite "Green" cleaning tip, don't keep it to yourself, share it! Either tell us in the comments or better yet, grab our "Green Stamp of Approval Button" and do a post for us!

That is absolutely fabulous.
Who knew!
I'll be cleaning all my All-Clads today. The rest of the stuff on the list can wait.
I will be attacking my All-Clads with lemon as well! They all look HORRIBLE and I'm so glad you've shared this natural/green solution! Who knew?!?!
Thanks for linking up today!
How did I not know this? Very cool.
Thanks for this tip! My husband has been using Barkeeper's Friend because having pots and pans that aren't sparkling drives him nuts. We try to be as green as possible, so I'm going to start buying lemons!
I use lemons a lot for cleaning. I use them on the countertops, along with baking soda. I also pour baking soda in the drains and drizzle lemon juice over - stand back, it fizzes -- to clear out the drains once a month. Love 'em!
When the kids were babes and on the bottle, the wife was famous for forgeting the nipples were on the stove to boil. Next thing ya know the water was gone and nipples were melted into the bottom of the stainless clad pot. I would take them to work, chuck them in the lathe and sand them clean. Not quite as simple as the lemon.
What a great tip. Thanks for sharing!
ooh thanks for the tip!
and i'll be back to join in this meme!!!
I just can't use Stainless steel frying pants, everything sticks. Even the cast Iron sends me into a tizzie.
whoa...wait a minute...will lemon work on the icky crap that collects around the stove and that no cleaner on earth will remove? I'm going out to buy some lemons ASAP. What a great tip.
have a great day!
That is fantastic! I'm going to try it. I have two big old lemon trees in the back yard so we have more than enough lemons to clean up with!
Thats awesome! What a great find...Im gonna have to try it!
Very cool! And who doesn't love the smell of fresh lemon?!
I use vinegar to get rid of hard water stains.
Why haven't I heard of this? Good tip!
Too bad I don't have one to share - hmmmm...but I'll be trying to think of something. :)
I didn't know it was even possible to get rid of that! You are the best!
What a great tip!!
Gonna file that one away...
Oh my goodness thanks for a fabulous tip! Will be trying tomorrow!
Awesome tip! I've heard that most things can be cleaned with varying combos of lemon juice, vinegar, baking soda and/or salt.
I didn't know that about a lemon! I will have to try it! Thanks!!
This is a new one for me too! Great tip and now I know! I love the smell of lemons. :]
Another great cleaner is plain old vinegar and water. We really don't need to expose our families and ourselves to the chemicals found in many household cleaners -- many of which HAVE NEVER BEEN TESTED FOR SAFETY!! The laws favor chemical companies so that a problem has to exist before the chemical is required to be tested. Even then, most chemicals aren't tested for their affect on children. Go with the least toxic thing needed, always!
Another great trick for cleaning your cast iron so you don't kill them with soap and water and what not - AND you don't have to season them nearly as often: Salt and Shortening.
Sprinkle a little salt in the dirty pan or pot or whatever then get a little shortening on a paper towel and go to town. The salt scrubs off the gook and the shortening acts as a lubricant of sorts to wipe it all away.
I do this will all of my cast iron stuff and they all look brand spankin' new. It's worth a try.
Oh, I can't wait to try this! Thanks for sharing. :)
White vinegar is great for disinfecting and countertops (mixed with water)
I just wanted to let you know that i linked to this post and added the "Go Green" button too. I'll try to keep it to cleaning tips in the future, but i already had this one on the go.
I hope it meets your seal of approval.
Visit if you like,
Sometimes the best solutions are the simplest - and cheapest! Thanks! :)
This is amazing! I'm buying lemons TODAY and trying it!
Sweet, oh I mean sour. Thanks for the tip.
Hi MM - come on over for a visit. I have tagged you in a fun picture game. Hope you can join in.
Love it...I have no green tips...I am collecting mine from bloggers..I do love my cleaner that I posted about (in April). We always have lemons...they are like little miracle - they make everything from iced to to cutting boards to pans better.
Holy shit....I've gotta buy some lemons!!
I was thinking the same thing mama-face was. I don't have fresh lemons, but I do have lemon juice. I'm going to have to try this one, my curiousity has been peaked.
Thanks for the Tips!
I'm visiting from FMBT. It's nice to meet you :)
I now Follow your blog!
Jill @ Frugal Plus
Wow! That's a great tip! Thanks for stoppong by and following my blog. I look forward to stopping back by here. (c:
Amazing how the simplest things are sometimes the best. I'm following you back from your visit to my blog. I'm a new follower and will visit often :)
OH BLESS YOU! This problem has been plaguing me since I ditched the non-stick for stainless steel! Who would have ever thought it would be so easy. Never underestimate the power of nature!
That's pretty neat. I never heard of doing that - thanks for the tip!
Btw, following you from FMBT. Have a great week!
I'm a new follower! Thanks for visiting me.
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