One thing I've noticed since having my daughter is how disorganized I have become. So when I had the opportunity to try out a new wallet that promised to organize all the paper and money that I had jammed into my purse, I jumped at it! And I'm so glad that I did! Now that everything has a place, I can easily and quickly locate whatever I'm looking for!!
This stylish wallet is not only functional but also cute and fashionable.
On the function front, it contains everything you need to get organized with room for either monthly or weekly budgeting. The flexible accordion style file system inside the wallet separates all your paper by category whether you're carrying money, coupons, receipts, lists etc. And this clever wallet comes with pre-printed file cards as well as blank labels so you can customize your wallet to your own specific needs. And to make sure that your change is easily accessible, there is a zippered coin pocket located on the backside of the wallet.
On the function front, it contains everything you need to get organized with room for either monthly or weekly budgeting. The flexible accordion style file system inside the wallet separates all your paper by category whether you're carrying money, coupons, receipts, lists etc. And this clever wallet comes with pre-printed file cards as well as blank labels so you can customize your wallet to your own specific needs. And to make sure that your change is easily accessible, there is a zippered coin pocket located on the backside of the wallet.
Everything is neat and easily accessible with 6 pockets for debit, credit and store discount cards. On the opposite side there is a spot for your driver’s license and even a place for your checkbook. Closes securely with a sturdy zipper to keep everything in its place.
And when you don't want to lug around your entire purse, this wallet makes a stylish clutch being 8" x 4" in size and it's available in 3 colors you are going to want to show off. There is Basic Black, Deep Red and the perfect shade of Pink. All are in a glossy patten finish.
Any one who is tired of losing and searching for items in their purse needs this wallet!! You can read more about Savvycents For The Fashionably Frugal and order this wallet at for only $24.99 + tax/shipping (when applicable).
And of course a smart wallet like this was designed by a woman. Melinda Claudepierre is the President and Creator of the Savvycents Wallet and works from home where she cares for her three children. She has been married to her husband Jon for 13 years.
I love this wallet!! Thank you so much Melinda for the opportunity to use it and review it!
*I received this wallet in order to do an honest review and I was not compensated for my opinion*

Yes, that was absolutely desgned by a woman. Seriously, look at the filing availablity in that thing! Yes, my wallet is crammed full of stuff.
I have to have one! I am currently carrying something similar to that now. I like that it comes with labels.
Very cute.
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OOO! I dig that!! Very cool!
hi! oh, this has a simple and elegant style. i liked it!
btw, i followed you back. thanks os much!
I have something similar but now I kinda really really need that one. Not want. Need!
I like the style of it.I'll bookmark that.Love the colors:)Mine is not really functional.
Hey there! Thanks for following me! I am now following you back.
That looks like a great wallet.
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I love your blog.
Have a great week.
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Oops Sorry about that. I thought I had added my name. I'm there now! :)
It is absolutely the best wallet out there! I LOVE mine!!!! and it is very compact even when you have all your items in there!
Hi Sweet Deb! :)
Very Cute!!
Thanks for stopping by, I am your newest follower!!
What doesn't it have? Sounds GREAT!
Happy Follow Me Back Tuesday (on Wednesday LOL)! Sorry I'm late getting over here..thanks for stopping by my blog, Mommies Faves.
I'm now returning the "follow" luv and following you with all 3 of my blogs! :)
From one menopausal mom to's not fun!! LOL Not looking forward to many more years of this.
Tree (aka Mother of Pearl)
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cool place :) stopping by to follow you from follow me on tuesday :)
thanks for the follow! following you back!
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Thanks for stopping by! Following you back from FMBT! :)
I don't even carry a purse. I have a huge bin at home that I just throw stuff into that I need to save. I carry only a wallet, but it has to fit in my pocket.
Nice wallet! I'm hopelessly disorganized.
following back a little late from the tuesday follow. Thanks for checking out my blog!
One of my kids just ripped the change part of my wallet so I'm in desperate need of a new one. Thanks for sharing this....these wallets look amazing!
Ohh this looks like a great wallet. THanks for sharing!
That is really cute! LOVE the pink. Anything that I can do to become even the teeniest bit more organized...
(Because I'm not. At all.)
I love that wallet!! Thanks for reviewing!! When mine wears out I will def. get one!!
Wow. That is most impressive. Sounds a little high maintenance, though. Does it need to be taken out for a walk? :+)
Looks like my kind of wallet! My husband could never understand why I need a big wallet.
Very cute blog!! I am your newest follower from FF I would love it if you stop by my site and follow me too!
Thanks, Mellisa
Can you believe I wasn't a follower of yours?!?! Yeah me neither! I am now!!
Cute! I am following you back :) Love your blog!
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Thanks for following me... I am now following y9ou too.. cute blog.. look forward to reading your stuff! :)
Hi Deb!
I'm a new follower from Follow Friday! I LOVE you blog! So glad I found you!
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Hope you have a super weekend!
I love that it is fashionable and fuctionable! Cute:)
Hi Deb!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and visiting the Follow Friday 40 and Over Blog Hop!
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Hope you have a great weekend (and vacation!)
That's just my kind of wallet -- I'm very particular about such things, which says a lot (and not necessarily anything good!) about me. Thanks for checking out Food Floozie so I could visit you back ... :) Too much fun!
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