And now, on to my winner!
Please join me in Congratulating:
Alyssa of Bloggin 2 Noggin
Alyssa of Bloggin 2 Noggin
who will soon be well on her way to "Going Green For Spring" once she receives the two cloth reusable shopping bags from my Giveaway! No more plastic bags for your Alyssa!
And before I sign off for the weekend, I wanted to let you know what's happened since telephoning the manager of that store and complaining about the garbage in the parking lot there. Anyone who is interested in viewing the before photos will find them Here.
So here's what's happened since my initial phone call. I spoke to the manager again and he told me that the first clean up has already taken place. As promised, he did hire a separate cleaning team to help his employees get rid of the first layer of garbage and crap although he was quick to point out there is more cleaning to do. In his opinion, they are about half way to how he wants the parking lot to look.
Here are a few updated photos. You can see there is still lots of crap smushed up against the curb in front of the cars and that dirty pile of snow is continuing to melt exposing more shit that needs to be picked up and scrapped off the pavement.
The next stage of the clean up is the re-writing of job desciptions for some of the employees. He will be dividing the parking lot into zones and giving each of those employees their own zone to be responsible for so he can monitor who cleans up and who doesn't. He is also planning to hold a meeting with his staff in the hopes of encouraging them to take more pride in their place of employment so they pay attention to the outside of the building and the impression it makes on customers.
So that being said, I agree with him that the parking lot is about half way to where it needs to be and you can bet that bitchy Meno Deb is gonna keep right on his ass to not only get the job finished but to keep it clean.
So now go on over to Erin's place and see who the lucky winners of her "Go Green For Spring" Giveaways are. You just might be one of them!!
And by the way, there are more "Go Green For Spring" Giveaways coming up so stay tuned!

One thing I do well is compost. And, now that the snow is all gone, we can compost again. It makes me feel green!
Good for you with the parking lot! Employees shoudl take pride in their place of employment; I can't imagine us at the library not picking up if our lot got trashy. I think about this stuff all the time, and right now my 15 year old daughter is thinking of majoring in college in Environmental Sciences. She keeps me on my toes!
Woot Woot!! The world needs more bitchy meno deb's.
Congrats to the winners. :)
Wow!! You must be one scary woman when you wanna be. LOL
Nice job.
It DOES look immensely better; congratulations!
Deb that has got to make you feel good though! It is better no doubt, so I am sure in the next week or so it will be looking better are awesome for staying on it, there is no doubt this manager knows you are watching him...I can see you now in the store with your two fingers up to your eyes and directing them to him LOL!!~
One person CAN make a difference! Go you! I'm so glad to see he did actually do something!
Good for you! You got on that manager as got results. He still has some work to do but I definitely see the results of his efforts.
That's a vast improvement...good for you for getting the ball rolling on that one!
Woohoo! That's so awesome to see the that the lot is on its way to being clean! And good for you for speaking up! :)
Looking alot better! :)
Well it's an improvement for sure...and you were the catalyst for it! How awesome is that?
congratulations to YOU!!!!! This was an awesome accomplishment.
You rock, Deb!
I am still very glad that you said something, because even though they are "half way" there, you can still see a huge difference. We need more people like you in this world. :)
Just goes to show the power of a consumer. Nice effort Deb.
I hope that when it's all clean, you will write them a nice letter commending them for a job well done, or something like that. Lots of people complain, but I know from working at places like this that very few people take the time to compliment. It's nice to know you have set something good in motion.
Congrats on getting this cleaned up! It looks fab!
Congrats to the winner too, I love her. :)
Wow, I think on Monday that was a mess. You decided to do something about it and now it looks amazing.
Great job.
I'm voting for you on the next election. LOL, I mean it.
Visiting from "All About Toys"
Congrats Alyssa!!
Look at you....totally kicking ppl's asses into gear! Bowing down!
You go girl! Kudo's for doing something instead of whining like I do!
What an improvement from the first pictures! Way to go Deb! :)
Wow those before pics are aweful..its so kool you said somthing, Ive been hearing so many posts lately of litter and garbage problems...Im am happy to say I have not experienced it around here...but some of the pics Ive seen are horrendous..WTF is going on..!!
Good for you, Deb! Many people wouldn't take the time to care for things like this. The manager is responsive which is good cos I've encountered a handful who just gives you the "who the hell are you?" kind of look when you bring certain things to their attention like the door is jammed and not opening properly. That's when I ask to his/her higher ups. I think if we all just do our part, the world would be a much better, safer, and cleaner place to live :)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Good report!
You're a good example for us all.
When we read your posts and other similar posts, it stays with us; it's in our brains. We can choose to act upon things when action is needed, or we can ignore it. But we KNOW when we can be helpful.
I found myself picking up a couple of advertisement flyers that had blown on my street while I was walking my dog - and put them in my "recycle" bin.
I also picked up an empty bottle after my daughter's lacrosse game that someone left.
I thought, "What would Deb and Erin do?" :)
Every little bit helps.
Way to go! You rock! More people need to follow your example!!
Excellent. You have demonstrated to those who insist that one effort cannot make a difference that they are, in fact, mistaken. Some fights are harder than others, but when the cause is admirable, they're always worth fighting.
I LOVE it when people follow up with their "causes" or with what ever it is they feel a passion for; even if I don't agree. SO GFU for following up ;-))
Congrats to your winner and a big Yeah You. Changing the world one space at a time!
Congrats to your winner and a big Yeah You. Changing the world one space at a time!
Well done, Deb. What a difference!!
Because of you that parking lot is improving!! Way to Go!!!!!
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