This little story has its beginning when I was about 4 years old. At that time, we were living in an older home with the typical old fashioned white porcelain bathroom fixtures. I was too young then to appreciate the beauty of the cast iron claw foot tub and white pedestal sink from the 1940's.
Anyway, getting back to the story, we were in T. Eaton Co., a large, high-end department store in our small town. Keep in mind that this was during the 1960's, long before you had to duct tape your kids to your hip in order to prevent them from being snatched by a stranger. This was the era when parents were able to drop their children off in the toy department, go about their shopping and then go back to round up the kids as they made their way to the cashier.
On this particular day, dad was hanging out in the hardware department and while browsing, heard a very familiar little voice nearby exclaim:
"My, what a pretty toilet!!"
Recognizing that voice and with cat-like reflexes, he hightailed it to the plumbing department where he found me with my draws down around my ankles climbing up onto a brand new PINK DISPLAY toilet!!
So tell me, anyone out here brave enough to admit they can relate to this little story? Come on! I can't be the only one who has been fooled by a fancy department store plumbing display!!

Have you seen Couples Retreat? The little kid in that movie actually does this twice! Haha.
lol...that is too funny! I know I thought about it more than once when I was a kid. They make the display potty's look so inviting!
I could so see this happening. My Papa use to lift me over the boat to pee when I was very young we went out fishing.. Want to share this for my Family Fridays?
If so come on and link up..
Have a great weekend.
Great story! I am surprised that none of my kids attempted this!
That is so funny! Did it really happen? I think I saw something similar on a movie I was watching a few months ago.
I found your blog on Helene's blog, "I am Living Proof that God has a Sense of Humor."
I'm waiting until I'm 50 before I admit to some things ...
lol loved this, you have a great memory, couldnt stop laughing, great stuff :)
That is hilarious! I could see one of my kids doing that.
Love that you shared.. Thanks..
I thought of the little boy in couples retreat when I read this! I know this is something I think Diaper Diva will do when she gets bigger.
I saw this very same thing happen on funniest videos. It was a little boy, and he was so cute! The parents were mortified! LOL
OMG thats Hilarious...Great sharing Thaks
LMAO! I love this story!
When I was about 3, (or so I'm always reminded) I was having dinner with my paternal grandparents...They had a large gathering of good friends over and I've always loved to entertain, so I disclosed to them a life lesson from my dear Granny (maternal g'ma) "My Granny said if you don't wash, you'll get the crotch rot!"
Didn't embarrass me, but I guess it mortified my grandparents!
PS..I gave you an award:
Thats actually cute!!! Little bare butt Deb!
I would be so ecstatic though right now if that were my kid, if Im being honest. We are working extremely hard on potty training!
A pink toilet....hmmm...interesting.
Nope, can't outdo that one. :) But if something comes to mind, I'll let you know.
I do have a story about my daughter though. When she was about 6, we were dinner guests of one of my husband's older relatives who'd joyfully baked chicken for us. Upon my cutting up the chicken for my daughter, she kept asking, "Why is the chicken red inside, Mommy?"
Everyone tried to ignore her by continuing the conversation until she asked the fourth time. Of course, Me, the Mommy, had to tactfully explain so she'd shut up.
On MY side of the family, we would have all just jumped up and microwaved it a little, and went on with the meal.
Looking forward to hearing more of your childhood stories. You were probably a little pistal. :)
roflmbo that would be something I would absolutely expect out of my boys.. they don't care they will whip it out anywhere .. well not anywhere I have taught them some form of public behavior lol..
I haven't used a display toilet but I have taken a crap outdoors in broad daylight on the side of the road because of a little thing I like to call "the active colon" from which I suffer and because I didn't want to crap inside my brand new van. TMI? Sorry bout that.
That is a classic Deb. Gotta love the innocence of a child.
My mom says (and I don't remember), that when I was about 8 or so, I woke up one night sleepwalking and walked thru the kitchen on the way to the bathroom. I stopped, opened a bottom drawer, and started peeing. She says she started screaming and tried to get me into the bathroom. Since I have to take her word for it, that's my story....and I'm sticking to it.
My 13 year old son saw them do something similar on Jackass (except they really went, newspaper and all). He has wanted to do the same in Lowes ever since.
OMG, I can honestly say no. I have had that reoccuring dream that I had to go and could only find holes in floors. But never used a display toilet.
that's a funny family story.
It is innocent!
Very cute, and in the Eatons that is no longer. Sigh. I have a great story about a toilet, but I'm going to blog about it so stay tuned, Deb!
Hysterical! I don't think I can top this one. Although, I did wet my pants once in a toy store. Not as cute as your story!
This is funny. Can't believe your dad was that quick. Wonder what would've happened if he hadn't been.
Some blog wrote about how she takes a step back when her kids are being bad, and pretends she doesn't know them or her husband.
OMGosh! I am laughing so hard right now!! You are too funny! I have many stories about bathroom issues but none that I can blog about!! I would scare away ALL my followers!!! hahaha thank you for making me smile:)))
I posted my "following" topic but it wasn't nearly as good as yours... I think because my pants were cutting off my circulation to my brain!!!!! Have a great weekend girl!
CLASSIC! Thank goodness you were that age. We can all laugh, including you, right? Now if you were 15 or something, THEN we'd start to wonder about you. Have a good weekend!!
Hahaha... definitely can't top that one. (Thank goodness, cause I'm not exactly sure what could top that!)
What a GREAT story! And what a brave girl you are, indeed, for telling it!! Cheers!
Note to self; When MenoMom talks about her childhood mishaps, do not have a mouth full of diet coke! LMBO
Amazingly enough I can honestly say I never did that.
It saddens me greatly that such a story is not in my past...
That's a fabulous one...
One I may just have to recreate in my present.... now THAT could be fun ;O)
THAT is absolutely priceless! What a great memory!
thanks for the comment on my page, i dont have the money or want to waste it on something like this when i could be using it for something better(dvds, lol) i would love to pay someone to create a page for me but maybe after ivebeen doing this more then a week, lol.
take care
Thanks for a great laugh!
So funny! I didn't do that, but once when in a big city (at least to me) as a child, I took a drink from a fountain that was perfume instead of water. Yuck!!!
Funny! One time, when my brother and I were wandering through the toy department alone, I found a tick on my neck (we lived in the mountains, down for a trip to the city). Anyhoo, he immediately began yelling that fact to anyone in the store who would listen. I was mortified (and closer to 12 yrs old than 4). (:
I saw it happen in a store like Home Depot, very funny.
Hey you lost 11 pounds already! Congratulations!
Hilarious!! What a fantastic story! LOLOLOLOL
This is hysterical ... I can't believe it's taken me so long to find your blog ... luckily I have a lot of your past posts to read ...
I'm glad at least one other person mentioned the Jackass movie ... although she blamed it on her son ... this post immediately reminded me of that ... I do hate to admit I've actually watched that ... twice.
My husband made me do it :P
Hilarious. At least he cought you before you did your business, or did he?!
Gawd Deb, I can still see Dad whisking you off that crapper like a man possessed! One of those funny moments that make up the family treasury.
Oh, my! THAT was too funny!! Not that funny for your parents at the time, but see, now you star in your very own "Remember when..." story at family reunions. :)
Now that is a good one! I will have to get back to you on that one....the only really embarrassing thing I remember is wearing my Moms panty hose for a school class picture, I still have the pic, and they are down to my ankles in wrinkles...I wonder where was my Mom that morning I was getting dressed? Great story!
I have to physically restrain my little man to prevent him doing this every time we go to the bathroom department in the D.I.Y shops. I also have to drag him out of the baths and showers on display too and also had to pull him out of bed in the bedroom department too.
Hi Deb! I've given you an award. You can check it out at my creating peaceful thoughts blog.
LMAO! This was so funny!
That's hysterical! Aren't you kinda glad you wiped that memory from your mind? But then we have our folks who have excellent memories to remind us of those embarrassing moments!!
Now that my dear is some funny crap!
When you have to go, you have to go! LOL
You were so cute. May your baby girl not decide to pay you back in the near future and do the exact same thing.
No Deb you are the first!! Except for that movie!
I have something special for you at my blog, please go pick it up!
I was going to mention COuples Retreat, too, but someone beat me to it. Also one of the Jackass movies--but with an "adult" doing it. omg!!!
Oh so funny! I would have definitely been enticed by the pink toilet, as well!
That is so funny. I can't say that I have done that...BUT, I did actually pee in a flower bed outside a bar once. Classy, I know.
Tagged you back!
dawn hild
Classic! I was never lured in by a fancy new toilet...but that is a cute story!
No, but I did watch a little boy unzip his pants, pull out his tallywhacker, and let loose a golden stream to be envied right into a prize bed of roses at Opryland, USA!
Oh, boy, can I relate. When I was about 5 or so, my parents had a deadly trio, a dinner party, a 5-year-old who sleepwalked (moi) and a garbage can in the kitchen with one of those lids that opens just like a toilet lid. There I was, little white night shirt lifted, lid lifted, seated and you get the idea. That's the bad news. The good news? I don't remember any of it but my mom loved telling the story.
This why your house is so beautiful! You knew a good toilet at the age of four! LOL!
Sleep-walking down the middle of the road..naked, at the age of eight.
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