Aloha Fridays are brought to you by Kailani in beautiful Hawaii at An Island Life where Friday is the day to take it easy while anticipating the coming weekend. Today I'm going to link up, take it easy and ask a question:
If your home was on fire and you had already managed to get out all your photos, home movies, purse and family/pets, what is the one other thing you would grab on your way out the door?
For me, it would be my vintage rhinestone jewelry collection.
see more here
This would be impossible to replace since most pieces were manufactured in the 1950's and almost every piece was acquired for a special occasion.

My husband and I have talked about having a "grab" box! BUT we haven't done that yet.
I truly don't know. I would like to say our piano but that's not something I could easily grab. But, it's been in my family since before I was born and has sentimental value to me.
Might try to back the Van outa the garage.
Since you said we got everything. I'll want to get the computer with all my friends in it :)
I have a smallish jewelry box that has all my important jewels in it - I'd definitely grab that in one hand and my laptop bag with my electronics in the other. ;)
Counting Our Blessings
Since the photos are safe, I would definitely grab some sentimental jewelry that was my Nana's long ago. I like the idea of a grab box that someone else mentioned. A really great concept.
I have a locked box with important items.
Have a great weekend!
Good question...hmmmm, probably some jewelry that has sentimental value.
Our emergency backpacks that have first aid kits, a change of clothes, prescriptions, food and water along with flashlights and such.
My laptop or my socks :)
Assuming I'm not in any danger, my mother's jewelry box, which my dad finally gave me a year or two ago. ('Bout time, she died in 1984!) If the house is not safe, then nothing. The rest of the stuff is just stuff.
This is a really hard question. I would grab my wedding dress so that my daughter could wear it one day.
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