Aloha Fridays are brought to you by Kailani in beautiful Hawaii at An Island Life where Friday is the day to take it easy while anticipating the coming weekend. Today I'm going to link up, relax and ask an easy question.
Last week, I watched a show on TV where shoppers were surveyed regarding which stores they felt had the worst customer service. The top three here in Canada were Canadian Tire, Zellers and Walmart with Walmart taking top spot with the poorest customer service.
My personal choice is Walmart too. The wait to return items there is a nightmare not to mention the challenge of tracking down a clerk for assistance.
How about you? Which department store in your town has the worst Customer Service?

Honestly, the Walmart where I shop has always had pretty good customer service. I can't think of any recent times I've experienced bad service at a department store. Around here, I would have to say fast food places, specifically McDonalds, has the worst service. It's always a bunch of kids working who barely mumble a word and never get your order right.
I am not near a Walmart so I am pretty lucky...they are around here just not in a convenient area.
I like my Target! :)
Wal*Mart is definitely at the top of the less-than-stellar customer service mode here, too.
Once Upon a Time I Had a Dream...
Walmart it is for me too! I try not to linger.
Well we only have one and it does pretty well.
Hmmm, I suppose Walmart. But the WORST customer service I receive is always at fast food restaurants. I wish the people with the bad attitudes would just quit their jobs if they hate them so much!
I hate that wait. I'll only go there to return items early in the day.
I think I've had not so great cs more with the phone calls to outsourced places. Yuck. I dread that.
Have a great weekend!
I would say Walmart too -- my experiences there are generally nothing but frustrating!
(visiting from Aloha Friday)
Bonkers in Barnhart
Walmart here, too!
Here in So. Fla. that would be Kmart---it's truly God awful. The only reason I go in there is because it's next to the movie theatre so we buy the candy cheaper at Kmart, then hit the show!
It would have to be my local WalMart Pharmacy department. They are the worst!
I am such a fan of my clean, organized, well-stocked, and well-serviced neighborhood Target, that everytime I step into any Walmart, I get what I need (hopefully) from the not-well-trained staff, and hurry to get out.
But, as someone once reminded me, I'm thankful for the convenience, anyway.
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