Then I thought of her tenants. One was a woman in her mid 40's who drove the flashy convertible. A lawyer, she was tall, slender and attractive although I had heard rumors she suffered from depression. The other tenant was a young woman, perhaps in her late 20's. I hadn't seen her for several days and I knew I didn't like the look of her boyfriend. I had dated enough losers in my time to easily spot one.
I breathe a sigh of relief as the paramedics leave empty handed. The women must be okay, maybe it was just a false alarm or something minor.
I then see a white "Support Unit" pull up. I gasp as two men emerge in white crime-scene jumpsuits complete with hoods, boot covers and masks. One of the men is holding a big black camera. Oh no!!! What is going on over there???? What is going on?????
I sit at our dining room table in stunned silence staring out the window as this grotesque scene unfolds. A few minutes later one of the white jumpsuits walks out of the building carrying a brown paper bag with a big square yellow tag. The number "1" is clearly marked in bold black. After filling a few more brown paper bags, the white suits climb back into their white van and leave. So did several of the police cars.
Then my hands fly upward to cover my mouth and I feel tears form in the corners of my eyes as I see the Coroner's Van pull up. I watch in horrified silence as two men go around to the back of the van and unload a gurney. They slowly roll it inside the mansion.
A few minutes later, the fully loaded gurney is brought back outside, a white sheet neatly tucked from the top of the head down and over the heels. I don't know who she is as I feel the tears slide down my cheeks.
As I type this I still don't know which of the three women was brought out on that gurney. None of the cars in the driveway have been moved and there has been little activity inside the house. We have been told no foul play is suspected but what I do know for sure is somewhere a family is heartbroken.

That's so sad :( It's especially disturbing when things like that happen so close.
Oh no hun that is horrible.. if no foul play is suspected my guess they would say it was a suicide. I am so sorry for whoever it was and their family.
Oh my gosh, that is just so terribly sad! I'll say a little prayer for the women who live there. Hope you're doing okay, that is a pretty gruesome thing to witness. :-(
Hey!! I am your newest follower :)
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oh my gosh, how awful. Prayers for whomever it was and her loved ones.
(((HUGS))) I know from experience how difficult this is when it happens close to you.
sammiejanL40 at aol dot com
oh my gosh, how awful. Prayers for whomever it was and her loved ones.
(((HUGS))) I know from experience how difficult this is when it happens close to you.
sammiejanL40 at aol dot com
Oh my goodness... This is awful. I couldn't even imagine witnessing something like this.
Wow! How sad...this is definitely something you don't want to see played out anywhere, let alone across the street!
Hugggssss !!! Omg how horrible ! Im so sorry you've had to see such a scene! My thoughts are with you. Keep us posted hun.
HI. I am a new follower from Get Wired Wednesday Blog Hop. Great blog, so sorry to read about your neighbor.
that is so sad! I am so sorry you had to witness something like that, the poor woman, the poor family. Wishing you the best despite this.
new follower via the blog hop!
So, so sad! I'm sorry you had to witness this and I'm so sorry for the woman and her family.
I'm a new follower from Wed. blog hop
How horrible! I hope that the other two woman are okay and it was an accident or something "natural."
Those other two women will be in thoughts and prayers.
Wow! That is crazy to watch unfold right in front of your house. Our prayers go out to the family.
Thank you for stopping by and participating in the Get Wired Blog Hop. I am following you.
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