Take a look at the pretty packaging and deceiving "quilted" detail you see when you peer through the wrapping. Trust me, there was nothing in the price to tip me off this toilet paper was like sandpaper and so thin, you could practically read a newspaper through it. Even my husband who never says a word about the stuff I buy complained and don't even ask what my 4 year old thinks of it.
Look, I know we've come a long way since the out-of-season catalogue in the outhouse and I'm all for supporting companies who use recycled paper. But when the final product is so rough it could leave a mark, maybe it's time to cut down a tree!

Disclosure: I purchased two packages of 12 Double Rolls of this toilet paper at my local supermarket before writing this review. I was not compensated for writing a positive or favorable review and this is my personal opinion of the product.
You cant skimp on toilet paper. Nothing like that bugeyed look you get when the finger pokes thru the paper.
Rolls are getting narrower too but our arses aint.
Just hopping by to say HI@ Bless your poor butt! I hate crap (pun not intended) toilet paper. I bought some a couple of weeks ago that leaves huge clumps of linty paper on me. Ewwww, hate that. Hi, I am Jeanne from The Learning Curve Now following you and hope you will follow me
Sorry you have to deal with that. My SO is a total TP snob, so I will have to remember this brand for when he ticks me off...lol.
I will buy off brand anything, but not my TP! I want soft and easily flushable (with twins I do not need any clogs). This is one item I will even buy without a coupon!
Yep I don't like the cheap toilet paper..but even worse is the expensive stuff that is not as good as the cheap. That is just plain nasty.
Just stopping by from the Not so Moody Monday blog hop.
Simple Wyrdings
Hey there I am your newest follower from Not so moody Monday!! Great blog and good review I am just stating to try to do those myself! I hope you will follow me back!
Hey just saw your comment on another blog and decided to follow you. Hope you'll follow back. =D http://hisperfectpromises.blogspot.com/
Hi there. Like your blog. Visiting from MakobiScribe hop and following.
Your last paragraph had me laughing out loud! "...it could leave a mark" lol!
I'm your newest follower from last weeks FMBT!
Maybe they're just trying to sand butts clean instead of wiping them clean???
I feel for you. I know what you are talking about. I too have made those dreaded mistakes with TP also. But never again. I like my comfort. No more cheap sandpaper in my house.
BTW I enjoy your blog.
Hahaha! That's what I like...you talking about TP! We have the opposite kind of TP right now. Our is so thick it plugs up the toilet. So frustrating.
These are the fun posts that I have missed from you girl! :)
2 things it's hard to scrimp on... toilet paper & paper towels!!! Nothing worse than having to take a big WAD of the stuff and then have it STILL not 'work right'!!!
I've been skimping for a while, and last month hubby did the shopping and came home with some luscious quilted goodness. I can never go back to nasty cardboard!
Staying away from this one - thanks for the tip!!
Thanks for riding the train today!
The Survival Mama
uh oh - sorry hun
Me and my husband actually had a fight over toliet paper when we first got married. He wanted the cheap sh-- to save money. I explained I was working and bringing in a pay check too, so there was no way I was using it. We went round and round, and I won the roll.
I'll buy off brand. Yesterday I was shoppinig and seen toilet paper 24 pack for $18.00. Omgosh - its getting outrageous
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