Aloha Fridays are brought to you by Kailani in beautiful Hawaii at An Island Life where Friday is the day to take it easy while anticipating the coming weekend. Today I'm going to link up, take it easy and ask a question:
Do you keep your blog a secret from your family and friends or do you share it willingly with people who know you?
Do you keep your blog a secret from your family and friends or do you share it willingly with people who know you?
My blog has never been a secret from family or friends. As a matter of fact, my niece helped me set it up and included the link to Menopausal New Mom on her blog for all of our family to find.

I told family about it, and at times have regretted it. Well, then there is my Mom who seems to forget and I have to remind her about it every couple of months. Lol.
Nope, I shout it from the rooftops!
Okay, not really...but it isn't a secret. I even hand out business cards if someone asks me about it! :)
Nope, I shout it from the rooftops!
Okay, not really...but it isn't a secret. I even hand out business cards if someone asks me about it! :)
My blogspot blog is not a secret. Although I mostly use it only as a picture blog.
I do have 2 other blogs that no one in my family or friends know about. One is a rant blog about things that just piss me off and the other is more of a sex blog. Yeah, I know it is not what you think. I am NO WRITER AT.ALL. So it does not contain sex stories. Well it does.. but.. oh never mind it is private and only 2 people know about it. 2 people I have never met in real life.
So - to answer your question.. LOL LOL LOL Mine is both!
YEP, This blog is my secret. I set it up because I felt I should if I was going to be following folks. Then I thought it would be a good place to rant and dump my feelings. Well I havent ranted or gotten too personal on it yet so it would be safe for family to read but I am still going to keep it a secret just incase I decide to go off the deep end.
My family knows about it, but don't really understand what I am doing. My neighbours made a comment that I received a lot of packages, and I tried to explain that I receive them to blog about. Most people I think don't really get it, unless they take a look at the blog-o-sphere.
I do share it with them...and I am ok with that...
It's mine. I don't want family on my blog.
My friends know about it.
Happy weekend to you.
No not a secret. Everyone who knows me knows about my blog and are free to visit and comment. I haven't had a worries about that, but then I'm not sure they visit if they don't comment. Hehe.
I would say some of my family knows about it but I have not shared it on my Facebook or Twitter account. Sometimes I like to vent through my blog so I will probably keep it sort of a secret! :)) Great Topic!
Mine are semi-secret. My friends and family know about it, and all of the addresses are in my personal email signature. However, my students (most of them) don't know about it and I've removed the links from my FB so my students can't find me as easily. I can think of one or two students who know about it, but they're grads now, so I don't freak out about it as much.
I have to draw a line somewhere with my students and my personal life.
I sometimes wish mine was more private so I could vent more often, but now I just shoot emails to my friends when I need to vent instead of posting it on the blog - especially if it has something to do with families/coworkers/stupid people.
Mine isn't secret, but because of this i don't vent properly on it coz i know who might be watching!
No mine's not a secret! Sometimes I wish it was though!
My family knows, but I don't let coworkers know.
My blog is a secret from everyone except my family and friends.
my blog isn't a secret but my family doesn't seem to read it, well except for my husband who I guess wants to see if I rant about him lol!
new follower & I hope you'll stop by and visit my blog & return the follow!
I kept my blog a secret from my family and friends for the first year because I didn't think anyone would understand why I was doing it.
However, no one from work knew about it until recently when my name/blog was in the local newspaper. I guess people were going to find out eventually.
LOL... I am with Tammy!! I have business cards... I just call them Mommy cards with our Blog info on it : )
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