Aloha Fridays are brought to you by Kailani in beautiful Hawaii at An Island Life where Friday is the day to take it easy while anticipating the coming weekend. Today I'm going to link up, take it easy and ask a question:
How did you come up with the name of your blog?
I think mine pretty much explains itself. First baby at 45, then two years later POST menopausal! Talk about a hormone ride Lol! And the need to start a blog!

was after my son...
when he was in his exersaucer, it was like he was a jumpin bean :)
Mine's pretty lame really. I like Books, Fitness & Other Stuff. So that's what I named my blog.
I'm a genius aren't I?
Hi, I'm your latest follower. I got my name because of my mom. She passed away in 2006 & she had this doll she always put out at Christmas time, and she called it her Christmas Dolly. It was from my dad off a Valentines Candy Box. Well, I have it now, and when I was thinking of a name her doll came to mind, and this XmasDolly. Plus my nickname is Dolly too!
Look at you with over 1800 followers! You are rocking it girl...blowing me away. No way to catch up now! :)
My husband helped with the name. I wanted The Chatty Chick but he didn't like that one...
Yeah, not too exciting. I love cooking and find it a real adventure... so Adventures in All Things Food was born.
As my blog is being written in Canary Islands, i thought Made In Canarias will be a good name :)
When I was in college my friend was called the Gremlin, so I said I was going to be the angel forever. I got my e-mail with it and then years later started my blog.
Mine started off pretty boring as 'Stacy's Random Thoughts', so I had a blog renaming contest over the summer and my awesome readers chose 'Stacy Uncorked'. Way more fitting and fun! ;)
Aloha: Shopping
I needed a name. It was the best I could come up with. But it kinda fits.
It's a mixture of my cultural joining. I'm a Jamaican woman, married to an American man. So our cultures and families joined is my Jamerican and the Spice is just all about me as the individual :)
I think it's pretty self explanatory - lol I'm a mom and I blog a LOT!
LOL I'm all over that. I turned 51 and adopted 2 five month old cocker spaniel puppies. No their not children, but OMG how they changed our peaceful little world. :-) I'm following over from 40 and Over and looking forward to reading about your adventures. Blessings, Janet and
You know, I have no idea. Too funny.
Have a great Friday!
I started it when I first had my little man and named it Meandering Mommy Land...eventually it became more than just mommy stuff so I changed it to Musings from Mommy Land.
I chose my blog name because it represented what I planned on doing with the blog, jotting down my random thoughts thus we have The Diva's Random Thoughts.
I choose it because of Critter my G-nephew. He love coming to Auntie E home.
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