Aloha Fridays are brought to you by Kailani in beautiful Hawaii at An Island Life where Friday is the day to take it easy while anticipating the coming weekend. Today I'm going to link up, take it easy and ask a question:
Do you watch Soaps or Reality TV or Both?
I'm not a fan of soaps other than watching Coronation Street since 1993! As for reality TV, not my thing but I do enjoy Hell's Kitchen from time to time. Nice to see I'm not the only klutz in the kitchen!
What's your preference?

I used to watch all of the ABC soaps. Then I went to college and lost the time and interest. I do watch some reality shows, but not on a regular basis. I often forget they are on and don't DVR them.
I used to watch soaps, but haven't for years. I am addicted to reality tv though. I DVR them so I don't miss any of my faves.
One of the few things I did not get from my mom is her love of soaps. I never watched them. And I don't watch any reality TV shows either. They just don't interest me, although I know many people who don't miss them.
i love reality tv
ha ha
I am amazed at how reality TV has taken over. We love to travel and enjoy watching Amazing Race.
Happy Aloha Friday!!
I watched Days of Our Lives when I was a teenager, but havent watched soaps since... I watch Reality TV sometimes.
I don't watch either of those. I'm a DIY nut and Ghost Hunters I don't miss.
I use to watch All my children, One life to live and General Hospital years ago. I do watch some reality shows like amazing race and Top Chef.
I do not watch soap operas and the only Reality show I watch is Apprentice.
Fridays Question:Holiday Music
I watch more reality TV then I do soaps - Mostly because my favorite soap no longer exists :( I still can't believe they got rid of As the World Turns
I love LOVE love reality TV. I watch the Kardashians every waking moment I get. I suppose I wish I was cool like them.
Before I worked when I got to stay at home and raise my kids - I wached SOAPS every day. Sadly not anymore.
I watch Survivor, Big Brother, Dancing with the Stars and Amazing race.
Between Job 1 and Job2 and actual reality my life is pretty plain so I spose I live it thru someone elses reality.
Jeepers that sounds really bad. LOL
A little bit of both! :)
No soaps here. I used to when I was a kid, then I thought they sucked as a teen and stopped watching.
Reality tv I do Amazing Race and um Wife Swap.
Stay warm! :)
I haven't watched Soaps since college. I do enjoy some of the reality shows though.
Have a great Friday!
I used to watch Soaps with my mom (when I was home, sick, from school...and she watched Young and the Restless ( I still do, off and on)...and As the World Turns (which is now gone).
I always watch Coronation Street (love those accents).
I like the reality shows like Do you Think You Can Dance Canada...Parking Wars...Little Miss Perfect (can't believe those mothers!).
I like some of the career / hobby based reality shows like Top Model or Next Food Network Star. No soaps though.
New follower :)
I watch movies from Netflix.
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Skye from the Fabulous Friday Hop!
Dont forget to add the Hop Button, or blog about it to get move hoppers!!
Geez, I got a hot flash just reading your blog header...whew!
Watched soaps back in high school & early adult hood...a LONG time ago...
Reality- I like American Pickers, Ghost adventures and the like, 19 kids and counting...a variety of weird stuff....
Visiting from Never growing Old (thus the hot flash...)
Have a great day!
Happy Friday!
I was a die-hard ABC soaps fan for many years and finally have escaped them since hooking up with internet. Don't watch much television anymore!
Thanks for following my blog . . . I am following you as well :-)
Have an awesome weekend . . . Gina
Thanks for following me! I'm following right back atcha! BTW, I've been watching Days of Our Lives for about 22years now! I'm 34. :)
Haven't watched soaps since college, but I do like some reality TV.
I don't watch soaps at all...I just don't like it. I'm more into reality TV like Bail Bonds or Orange County Choppers...well, and I do watch Vampire Diaries and Supernatural^^
thx for stopping by my blog and for the follow...I'm following back =)
following you back!
None, I don't even watch TV. My toddler does though.
thanks for stopping by
Following your blog.
I watch neither... I am not a big fan of TV.
Thanks for visiting Six in the Nest
I used to watch All My Children, but after I had Princess Nagger, I didn't have time to 'indulge'. :) As for Reality TV, there are a few hubby and I like to watch together - Hell's Kitchen being the top one. :)
Aloha: Real or Fake
No time for soaps but I catch a few reality shows. Love to watch Gordon Ramsey and Top Chef.
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