Aloha Fridays are brought to you by Kailani in beautiful Hawaii at An Island Life where Friday is the day to take it easy while anticipating the coming weekend. Today I'm going to link up, take it easy and ask a question:
Will you be blogging during the holidays?
I will not be posting between Christmas and New Years but I will be checking in here and there. How about you?

Probably not. But like you, I might check in.
I think I will be scheduling fun posts and just checking in...but not feeling like I need to post daily! :)
Ill, try, it just depends on how much time I have...
My Aloha Friday post (w/linky):
Following you from Fun Follow Friday! Hope you stop my blog and follow back! Have a great weekend!
Probably not. I plan to catch up on my reading, spend time with family and do my annual end of the year house cleaning.
I'll probably still post here and there.
Yes, I will. I am not traveling, so my evenings will still be free.
Maybe one or two, but I plan on taking some time off either then or the first part of January.
I'd been thinking about taking a blog break between Christmas and New Year, though I might just keep the 'scaled back' mode I've been doing this month since I've been so busy (only 3 days a week instead of 5)...we'll see! :)
Aloha: Wrapping Presents
I will probably check in, maybe a post or two if I am entering some more giveaways :)
thanks for the follow, I am now following back!
Happy Friday!
I don't post all that much anyways. But, I will be checking in.
Yes, I will be blogging during this time. I will probably be working on some scheduled posts for the time that my kids are out of school. Of course, the time with them gives a lot of great material.
Only if I feel like it. :)
Happy holidays!
I'm sure that I'll schedule some posts to go off, in fact I plan on doing that tonight/Sunday. Happy Holidays Deb!
I have a pre-made series running on one of my blogs that goes through Christmas. After that I am not sure.
I am not very regular anyways. I will be commenting and if something comes up I will blog.
Probably. Unless there is nothing to say.
probably not as much towards the end of next week, I might still do my menu plan monday and then my top ten tuesday
Oh yes! I love sharing my life with you all as well as recipes on my Kitchen site.Happy AF
A Snow Question
Yep- I'll be blogging. It's my get-away-stay-away-from-eating thing.
Have a great weekend!
Yes, I will definitely be blogging over the holidays when I'm in town - otherwise the only thing to do is to eat all the yummy food and goodies!
Just depends on what I am doing! Kind of like now.
not really sure yet...
just planning on enjoying family time
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